• heart
    Don't you dare test your luck
    Cause' you just might fade away
    My stars are yours tonight
    I hold on to the rope
    But it hurts my hands to hold on any more
    Oh-no I can't go on without you

    Slit my wrists one more time
    To have a scar the remindes me of you
    Today is the day that you come down to earth screaming the truth
    Sleep well tonight beacuase when the moonlight strikes
    You will fall into his clamy cursed hands
    He is the puppitier pulling your strings riping apart your dreams

    I am your savior tonight
    Still holding the rope
    Its the middle of the night
    And the dreams overhead are taking over me
    Grab the bow and arrow and we will fight through this forever
    Time for the sleepy battle
    Oh-no I can't do this without you

    Slit my wrists one more time
    To have a scar the remindes me of you
    Today is the day that you come down to earth screaming the truth
    Whoa Oh oh oh
    Sleep well tonight beacuase when the moonlight strikes
    You will fall into his clamy cursed hands
    He is the puppitier pulling your strings riping apart your dreams

    Ha ha ha ha
    I laugh at his pain
    We won this battle sweet heart
    The next time It wont be so easy
    I'll shut up and hold you tight
    Im am done holding the rope now
    You can run away from now on
    But be aware his rage still lingers
    And remeber this... I love you