Okay, today was okay. Actually, it was kind of baddish. If I have time, I'll write about why in my other journal. Sadly, Emran's on his way home, so I'm gonna try and make this brief. Today, we had Literacy and Social Studies first, so we had to work on the Social Studies project, and then on Hamlet and some other stuff.
Art was fun. We finished the hands! They came out really great! heart
At lunch, we didn't get to go out, but it was fun anyway, lol!
And in Spanish, we just did work.
For Science, we had a free period becaus eMr. Bednar was absent. So it was just Kim, Shirley, me, and Jasdeep. Haha, I was competing with Shirley on a puzzle. -_- And I lost. Oh well. That's all!

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