Well, my big 2 month vacation back to Utah is coming! Woot! I can't wait to see family and friends and do things that I've wanted to do for the last 6 months or so.....I really miss Utah. I moved to Texas October of 2006. It was one of the sadest days of my life and I really do miss my home. All of my family lives there and my friends...I hardly talk to any of them anymore. Maybe 1 or 2 tops every month and sometimes I don't even talk to them for a month or two. But I finally get to go back. I know its not permanant so I'll make the best of my trip there and do everything I can even if it means not sleeping for three days straight or something like that. I'll come home looking like a zombie before I go out to find my summer job. m(OMO)m ~~~braaaaaaaaaaaaains~~~ lol
Sin of fallen angels · Sun May 20, 2007 @ 06:04pm · 0 Comments |