Well...Emran's already home, but he let me stay e computer. ^_^ I guess even people can be nice...anyway...today started off with checking out everyone's projects. ^_^ Which was pretty fun. Then, we had Literacy. We just learned about poetry and line breaks. Haha, I was hurting Shirley the whole time (I was in Izzy's seat cuz he was absent). rofl She marked up my perfect-ful paper! Haha oh well.
Then, we had Math, where we were supposed to do work out of the red book. Mine wasn't even there, and I think I'd recognize it, it was almost missing a cover. So, I just took some random person's book and did it in my notebook. Haha, luckily, Ms. Croft lost track of time, so she didn't even check the work, so we just got to leave.
In arts, we didn't do much. Ms. Benner did show us an interesting science article about a machine that particle physicists have created under Switzerland, that can recreate the environment of the earth when when it was less than a trillionth of a second old. It was pretty interesting actually...besides that, we're probably going to be doing sumi paintings again nexttime. ^_^ So yay!
Then, in social studies, we just gave a few finishing touches to our project, and then we just talked and stuff...so, yeah, that was okay-ish...
At lunch, we got to go out, so we just played tag...
And, in Spanish, we just did work.
In science, we just talked about HIV and AIDS, which was somewhat creepy...and a bit funny... "Cheeky cheeky"...haha...
So, since just Jasdeep had softball today... 4laugh , I got to go home. ^_^ Ah, the great pleasure of JUST GOING HOME. ^_^
So here I am...doing nothing really.
