Today was okay-ful. But not that great. In the morning, we had Science first, where we just did a lab, not too hard...
Then in gym...we did belly dancing again. I SHALL NOT SHIMMY.
Then, we came back to Math, and we just got free time, to talk and stuff. I did the usual: nothing, threaten Shirley, and unusually, I vandalized with chalk on a chair. ^_^
At lunch,w edidn't go out. Hehe, I had a burnt pizza, not bad though. I AM GONNA KILL BRIANA. She threw a chocolate milk carton that wasn't completely empty at me, and my shirt got stained! BRIANA, U R DEAD.
Literacy was pretty fun. We started with Hamlet, which was boring. I was gonna draw a picture, but then I didn't cuz...uh, I just didn't wanna. Hehe. Then we got to do this fun thing. A two voiced poem! Well, me, Jasdeep, and Kim did a three voiced one on bubblegum. It was really cool! I wanna get a copy of it too. ^_^ Oh, I wanted to hear Shirley and Lwam go up and recite their poem! Me, Kim, and Jasdeep did pretty good I think. Haha, it was funny, Bryant, Asher and Omar did one on Minorities. Hehe, Chinese. rofl Get ready to do yours Shirley and Lwam! xd
Anyway, after that, we had regents classes, which was quite funny, actually. haha, Daniel didn't want to kill an ant because he said it was a living thing, and then Daniel H. was trying to kill it anyway. Lol. I don't mind killing ants myself. I eat meat and I kill ants. xd Oh yeah, haha I was having staring contests with Shirley too! xd Not my god given talent, I suppose... gonk AND...JASDEEP TRIED TO FRAME ME! JASDEEP, U EMO DONKEY! STOP CUTTING URSELF! And she showed Mr.l Bednar, and no one believed me when I said she did it to herself. Well, she didn't actually do it. She just made her skin pinkish-red with a pencil around a cut that was already there. And to one believed me! gonk IN THE MOMENT OF TRUTH...NO ONE BELIEVED ME...*sniff sniff*
Well, I don't feel like writing anymore. So then, we all went home, and lived happily ever after. Yes, I say this as I lazily sit in my computer chair thinking of all the ways people have all grown up bitter and hating the world. gonk rofl

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