eek Hello? Anyone? eek Rai? Naruto? Sakura? Kashi-chan? Sasuke? Hola? Is anyone here? Hellooooooooooooooo???? Các người có ở đây không? (Are you people here?) Okay...
Well then... I guess no one's here. Well! Let's get started on the fanfic! xd Without anyone bothering me. Who needs them anyway? Hmph!
(On some far away beach...)
Sakura: Hey guys, do you think it was right for us to leave Michiru-chan like that? sad
Kakashi: *reading book* Eh... She'll live.
Naruto: Who cares about Michiru-chan when we have all the ramen in the world right here! mrgreen *drools over a mountain of ramen*
Raikira: Yeah. She'll live. What's the worst that can happen?
(Back to me.)
Me: Where is everyone?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! gonk Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* I'm going to die without them! *puts on sunglasses* cool Oh well. I guess I'll take it out on Kakashi in the fanfic and make him suffer considerably. eek twisted
(Back to the random, far away beach...)
Kakashi: I have a bad feeling that she'll take it out all on me and make me suffer considerably in the fanfic.. eek
Raikira: *shakes head* Naaaah... No way.
(Back to me...)
Me: biggrin Yup! Kakashi's going to get it. Mwahahahahahahahahaha! twisted
Anyway, here's another picture thingy! ^_^

Okay. Now let's get started! ^_^
Kakashi closed his eyes in fear as the kunai came ever closer to his face. He waited for the agony of the sharp point puncturing through his skin, but it never happened. Bewildered, he slowly opened his eyes and found himself sitting up in not his father’s room, but a small, plain apartment room. He was tangled in bed covers with shuriken patterns, and cold sweat was beading down his back.
“Just another dream,” he muttered to himself, climbing out of the bed. Kakashi walked across the room to his bathroom and gazed into the bathroom mirror. There was a strip of dim moonlight shining through the window, allowing him to see a pale reflection of his sixteen-year-old self. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Just a nightmare…” That’s why the timeline was all wrong. Because it was just a dream. Obito died after Father did, Kakashi thought to himself.
The silver-haired elite ninja turned on the faucet and cupped some cold water into his hands and then splashed the water onto his face. He turned off the running faucet and stood there silently in the dim light for a moment, closing his eyes. The image of Obito’s half-rotten face flashed through his mind. He could almost smell all the repugnant odors from the nightmare. The blood. The vomit. The dead flesh… “Just another dream,” he reminded himself. “Just another dream.”
Me: Waaaaaaiiiiiiit!
Everyone else: neutral What is it? You're interrupting the story, Michiru.
Me: I know. But I just had to do it. xp Okay. Let's continue.
Everyone else: sweatdrop stressed
Me: Oh wait. Did I tell all of you how I kept on laughing and laughing in class today? I was laughing so hard that my eyes were all teary. rofl xd The others thought I was nuts. It was during English. My teacher thinks I'm crazy now, too. xd
Everyone else: sweatdrop
Community Member
rofl I'm HERE!!!!!!! lol. man you come home early!!!!