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Today wasn't half bad. We started off with Math, where I thought we would have free time after returning the books. -___- But Ms. Croft gave us a test, and then she said that we're donig work until the last day... -___-Which is so unfair...and before that she was saying that we could start bringing in games and stuff... mad
Anyway, after Math, we had SS, where we played Scrabble! ^_^ We beat Sakinah, Ashley, and Rebecca. ^_^ We finished that game in the second period of SS.
After SS, we had lunch, where we just had food and then played tag as usual. Except I didn't feel like running...but oh well.
In Literacy, we had to take the SS Finals, which were stupid and easy, with the exception of the stuff we didn't learn. WHICH, MS. MATHIS, WERE NOT IN THE PACKETS! As if she's reading this, hehe.
Hah, that Tsubasa quiz was easy, particularly cuz I've seen most of it and I only have like 13 episodes left or something out of 52. I hope I can get something of Sakura's. After this, I'm watching ep 2 of Suzuka, and episode 39 of Tsuabsa Chronicle.
Anyway, after the SS test. Kim, Daniel, and Jasdeep, and me were drawing this thing with little dudes (and one dudet). Like potato dude, and tomato dude. hehe, I did lemon dude, penguin dude, and blob dude.
Next, we had regents, which was okay. We learned a bit about weather. Which may or may not (listening to Beautiful Tragedy again 4laugh ) help, not that it matters for me. ^_^ Though, if I fail, I don't think I'll be ready for any other regents, cuz Earth Science isn't in Bronx Science because it's supposedly too easy.
After that, I had to use the bathroom. And I told Kim, Jazzy, and Shirley to wait. And they left. And then when I came out, I RAN after them, and Shirley's bag was stuck in that little thing again! lol And Jazzy was pulling her out. And it worked. And then when I was gaining on them, my bag got stuck. -___- But I caught up, lol. ^_^
Haha, Zamaarriaha got a picture of me choking Shirley, and Jasdeep being "casual" on her cellphone. ^_^
Ah...I didn't get to finish because Emran came. -__-
