dear diary, men are scum. they are complete idiots, and they're perverted. all men are players, or they're too slow and shy. for a woman like myself i would wabt a fast romantic handsome man, not the kind that exist tiday: perverted, ugly, rude, crude, digusting, slow and shy. it gets on my freaking nerves all the time. sigh i wish i coul find a man who meets my standards. even though all my friends say my standards are too high, but can you blame me? i just want someone perfect. he has to be emo, smexy, romantic, sincere, consideret(sp?), fast, and respectful to me. but we all know all the good men are either taken, gay, or fictional characters. sigh emo life sux crying *siniffle sniff* wheres my knife!? cryingcrying im so alone.... i want to sulk behind my black cuetain now*sobb* cryingcry