Name: Elrayso
Age: 17
Hair color: Navy
Hair Length: long but short before he grew it out
Eye color: Dark blue
Height: 6 9"
Weight: 234 lbs (all muscle)

History: Elrayso is a normal elf boy he doesn't have any special powers like his family but he is a great brother to Liliana, He has always protected her no matter what happens to him if it wasn't for Elrayso encouriging Liliana all the time she would already be in a coffin!
Name: Liliana
Age: 13
Hair color: Deep black
Hair Length: down to her shoulders
Eye color: Light Brown
Height: 5 4"
Weight: 120 lbs

History: Liliana has been threw alot, with her parents always leaving her home by herself since she was seven she has learned how to take care of herself her parents normally go on buissness trips for months on end and rarely come back the teachers do not suspect anything because her mother and father somehow make it here when a meeting comes up. She normaly is getting into trouble with the gangs, she has to wear a bandana because of them! She fought back at the gangs and her head split open and now she has a huge scar there and has no hair there either
Name: Kylie
Age: 14
Hair Color: Red
Hair Length: To her ears
Eye color: Blue (brown in this picture...stupid camera)
Height: 5 1"
Weight: 98 lbs

History: Kylie is the most popular girl in school she plays baseball all the time she the best baseball player on the block. She is Liliana's best friend around infact she's her only friend! everyone has called Liliana 'Fantasy' because she lives in a fantasy world all her own. She is normally fighting off the gangs that are always beating Liliana to a pulp. She dies for her friend when one of the gangs pull a gun out and shoot her
Name: Shanon
Age: 12
Hair color: Purple
Hair Length: below the shoulder
Eye: Red
Height: 4 7"
Weight: 102 lbs

History: Shanon is one of the few non-blood thirsty vampires she never is on the hunt for blood only on special occasions is she drinking blood. She is Liliana's cousin from what she says. As she normally does she always trying to fly with her wings that are hidden in her clothing but they never lift her off the ground they just flap like crazy.
These are the main characters there are mini godesses but they aren't here...damn scanner...
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