“Uhh” Seiji opened his eyes. The sun shown in through his window. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He got up and pulled on his shirt and pants. He walked down the stairs quietly. Ai was in the kitchen.
“I thought you were still asleep.” Seiji said.
“No I’ve been up for awhile…” She said as she put down a plate. “Here this is your breakfast.” She walked over to the sink. Seiji noticed she was limping.
“Ai is your leg alright?” He asked.
“Uh…It’s fine…” She said.
“You hurt it yesterday when you kicked Ryo down, didn’t you?”
“Yeah…But it’s ok. It doesn’t hurt.”
“You’re still limping…”
“Just eat…you can nag me later.”
She sat down next to him.
“Where’s mom?” Seiji asked.
“She went to the hospital. To see him…I think.”
“And dad?”
“He had a mission and left early.”
“Oh…” Seiji looked around. “Wasn’t Miss Rei staying here? I don’t see her things.”
“She stayed with Shikamaru last night and doesn’t want to come back here. Not right now anyway.”
Seiji got up and put his plate in the sink. He ran the water.
“I can do that Seiji.” Ai sighed.
“No, I’ll do it.” He said and smiled at her.
“Thanks…” She smiled weakly and turned away.
“Ai, is everything alright?”
“Huh..?” She looked at him, he was staring at her.
“You don’t look to good and you’re not very cheerful.”
“I’m fine…” She said getting up and walking upstairs. *Thanks for worrying about me, brother but I’m alright just tired.* She thought.
“Hey Ai!” Seiji yelled up to her.
“I’m going to train with Yu. Thanks for breakfast little sis!” He said and she heard him shut the door.
Ai laid down and fell asleep. Seiji ran down the path to Yutaro’s house.
“So she looked a little sick, don’t worry about it.”
“You don’t get it she looked a lot worse than a little sick.” Seiji sighed. “I can’t help but worry.”
“Then you should a stayed home.” Yutaro told his friend.
“Then you would have yelled at me.” Seiji said.
“Yeah so…?”
They walked to the training ground. Seiji couldn’t help but worry about his sister so he went home early. As he was walking home he got a bad feeling. He ran as fast as he could. *Some things wrong I just know it!* He Opened the door.
“Ai…” He called. There was no answer. He walked up the stairs. Ai was on the floor in the hallway.
“AI..!” He ran to her.
He pulled her over into his lap. Her face was pale and she had a fever. Seiji carried his sister down the stairs and laid her down on the couch. He tried to wake her up.
“Ai please…” He felt her for head again.
“Uhnn…” She moaned. “Seiji…I’m alright…” She struggled to say.
“No, your not…” He pulled a blanket over her. “I’m going to go get Hinata… Don’t worry I’ll be right back.” He hugged her then ran out the door.
He ran to the Hyuga house. It’s close to theirs since they live on Hyuga property. Seiji knocked on the door. Hiashi answered it.
“Hiashi-sama…” Seiji said bowing. “Is Hinata-sama home?” He asked crossing his fingers.
“Yes she’s here, Seiji, come in.” Hiashi said.
“I…I can’t Ai’s sick and my mother isn’t home.”
“Father? Is that Seiji?” Hinata appeared in the doorway.
“Hinata-sama please you have help Ai, she’s sick.”
“Ai-chan?” She looked at her father. “I’m leaving now.” She said as she grabbed Seiji’s hand and they ran off down the path.
Hinata put a cold cloth on Ai’s forehead.
“When did this start?” Hinata asked.
“I…I don’t know she looked fine last night. Then this morning…she was limping and she looked a little sick. I came home and found her on the floor.”
“We have to take her to the hospital…You were right to come and get me…Seiji-kun.” Hinata put the blanket around Ai and carried her to the hospital.
Seiji followed close behind. The medical ninja took Ai into a room and wouldn’t allow Seiji to come in with her.
*Ai…I’m sorry…I should have stayed home…*
Sakura ran down the hall.
“Is she alright?” She asked.
“She’s with the med ninja now.” Hinata pointed to the lit sign above the door. “Seiji came and got me…”
“Oh Seiji Thank you.” Sakura threw her arms around her son.
“It’s my fault…” He said.
“What? It’s not your fault, at all Seiji.” Sakura said.
“It is! I noticed that she didn’t look good and I still left her alone!” He Protested.
“Seiji…” Sakura looked at her son. He got up and ran out of the hospital.
“He’s just worried.” Hinata smiled. “He’ll be fine…”
“I know…He loves her so much…” Sakura sighed as she sat down on the bench.
Seiji ran to a training field at the end of the village. He punched a tree in anger.
*why? Why did she have to get sick? I wasn’t there when she needed me!* He slid down the trunk of the tree.
Sakura was finally allowed in to see Ai.
“She just needs rest now…but this is serious…” The med ninja said.
“What is it? Do you know?” Sakura asked.
“We’re working on it…it appears to just be stress, but there’s something else. We just don’t know yet.”
“I see.”
After an hour Sakura walked out and Seiji was waiting by himself. He’d been crying. Sakura didn’t say it though.
“Can I see her?” He asked.
“Yes…but she needs to rest don’t over do it.”
Seiji got up and walked past his mom. Just before he opened the door his mother spoke.
“She’s been asking for you since she woke up.” Then she walked away.
Seiji sat down in the chair by the bed. Ai grabbed his hand.
“Thank you…” She smiled weakly. “You noticed right away that I wasn’t alright. I didn’t even notice.”
“I should have stayed home.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Leaving I mean.”
“If you do than you won’t ever be able to leave my side so don’t regret it please. Because you came home to check on me I’m alright.”
“Uhh…” She looked up. “You’ve been crying…Are you ok?”
“I was worried about you…your so strong but I still worry.”
“That’s what a brother is supposed to do…”
“Uhh…That’s what a brother is supposed to do, huh?” Rei whispered as she stood outside the door listening.
“It’s rude to eavesdrop, you know.”
“Uh…” Rei looked up and saw Shikamaru leaning on the wall. “I was…”
“I know…you wanted to see if Ai was alright.”
“I thought you had left.”
“I got worried so I came to check on you…”
Rei walked over and leaned her head on his shoulder.
“How’s Itachi doing?”
“He’s alright now but can’t leave because of the amount of blood he lost.”
“Hmmm…I see.”
“Sakura’s with him now.”
Kiba walked around the corner.
“Rei…I knew I caught your scent.”
“Kiba…” She stood straight. “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah it has, hasn’t it?”
“You’re here to see Ai?” Shikamaru asked.
“Uhh…” Rei was confused.
“He’s Ai sensei.”
“Oh…Now I get it.” She smiled.
“If you’re here, that means Itachi’s still here right?”
“How’d you know?”
“I was in a meeting with Hokage-sama when Shizune came to get her.”
“I see.”
Kiba walked in. Ai was laughing.
“You’re sure happy for someone in a hospital bed.” Kiba laughed.
“Oh sensei...” Ai smiled.
He walked up to the bed.
“You’re a good brother, staying by her side, Seiji.”
“Kiba…” Seiji smiled.
“Sorry Ai, They wouldn’t let me bring Akamaru to see you.” Kiba laughed.
“It is a hospital after all, but it would have been nice to see him.” She smiled.
Kiba, Seiji and Ai talked until visiting hours were over. Sakura was allowed to stay with her daughter.
“Seiji…” Neji slid open the door to the kids’ room.
“Dad…What is it?” He asked.
Neji walked over and sat on the bed with Seiji.
“Thank you for looking out for your sister. The Medical Squad just stopped by and told me she’ll be fine in a few days and it’s not as serious as they thought it was. She’s just been working to hard since the attack.”
“Ahhh…” Seiji breathed a sigh of relief as he flopped back on the bed. “I’m happy she’s ok…” He sighed.
“Hmmhehe…” Neji laughed. “You do take good care of her…now get some sleep.”
The next morning Seiji got up and went to the training field. He promised Ai he would before he came to see her. She made him promise.
“She’s late…” Kyo sighed. “It ain’t like her to be late…”
“No it’s not…” Ryo sighed. “Well I can’t wait forever I have to go…”
“I’m gonna wait a little longer…see ya!” Kyo waved as Ryo walked away.
Kyo noticed Seiji training and went up to him.
“Hey!” He called.
Seiji looked up. “What do you want?” Seiji asked turning to him.
“Ai was supposed to meet up with us here about an hour ago. Where is she?”
“She’s in the hospital.” Seiji said coldly.
“The hospital…Is she ok?”
“Yeah…she just needs to rest.”
“And why ain’t you with her?”
“Cause I promised her that I’d train before I go see her. She made me promise.” *“Promise you’ll go train before you come here tomorrow? I know you want to get stronger so go train for me brother. Promise..?” “I promise.”*
“That’s just like her. Even when she’s hurt…” Kyo started.
“She puts everyone else she cares about first.” Seiji finished.
“You done?”
“Then I’m goin’ with you.”
“Why…?” Seiji asked although he already knew.
“I know you aren’t that stupid…” Kyo laughed. “Now let’s go…”
“Fine what ever…” Seiji frowned.
They walked to the hospital. Seiji didn’t like to have to walk with Kyo, although he never actually spent any time with him alone before. It was a long way from the field to the hospital a very, very long way.
Kyo wasn’t a bad guy, but the thought of him and Ai made Seiji angry. He didn’t want someone to take her away from him. Kyo was about Seiji’s height and had dark brown hair it wasn’t as long as Seiji’s. Kyo was an all around good guy and Seiji had respected him for a long time. In fact Seiji much preferred the clam and well mannered Kyo over the cocky and stubborn Ryo.
“Hey…” Kyo looked at Seiji.
“What…” Seiji looked at him.
“I’m sorry for the other day, Ryo can…well you know…get out of control… especially with Yutaro.”
“Yeah…Yutaro gets like that sometimes…”
“I hope this didn’t happen cause of the other day…”
“It didn’t…She’s just worked her self to hard…” Seiji sighed.
The rest of the way they didn’t talk but it wasn’t as tense as it had been. They walked up to Ai’s room. She was staring out at the village.
“Hi Seiji...” She smiled. “Uh…Kyo! I forgot all about today, I’m sorry.”
“Forget it. It doesn’t matter if you over work yourself.” Kyo said softly. He sat down in the chair next to the bed.
“Isn’t Ryo with you?” Ai asked.
“UnnUnn…He had something else to do today.” Kyo sighed.
“Oh…” *He’s probably mad at me* Ai thought.
“Ai, how do you feel today?” Seiji asked.
“Better.” Ai smiled.
“You do look a lot better than yesterday. Do you know if mom’s here still?”
“She’s with Itachi...”
“I’ll be back in a while…” Seiji left the room.
“Thanks for coming Kyo…” Ai said.
“As soon as I heard you were here…” He moved to the bed. “I had to come…” He put his hand on hers.
“You didn’t have to…” She blushed.
“Ok…Well then I wanted to come…”
“Uh…Kyo…” She smiled.
He kissed her cheek. She blushed and leaned in close to him. He put her arms around her gently. “Ai…”
Seiji walked down the hall to Itachi’s room. Shikamaru was standing outside the door.
“Is my mom here?”
“Yeah…” He opened the door. Sakura walked out.
“Mom…is Ai really alright?”
“Yes…” She put her hand on his shoulder. “She’s going to come home tonight.”
“That’s good.” Seiji smiled.
“I’ll see you at home later ok?”
“Ahhhnnn…” He headed back to Ai’s room.
“Kyo…” Ai pulled back. “Seiji’s coming.”
“Uhh…” He quickly moved back to the chair.
Seiji opened the door and stepped in.
“Oh Seiji…” Ai smiled. “Did you find mom?”
“Yeah…” He said looking in Kyo’s direction.
“What?” Kyo sighed.
“Nothing…” Seiji sat down next to his sister.
“Seiji…you did go to the training field right?”
“Of course, I promised didn’t I? And that’s where I found him.” Seiji said glancing in Kyo’s direction again.
“Good…” Ai smiled.
*I wonder if she planed this. That I’d go train and he’d be there and he’d want to come to see her.* Seiji thought. Ai lay down and looked out the window.
“I’m not going to be able to go on missions for a while.”
“That’s alright.” Kyo said.
“You shouldn’t over do it, Ai.” Seiji said.
“It’s going to be boring!” She sighed.
“Is that all you’re worried about.” Kyo laughed.
“Hey! You try lying in a bed for a few days and not being aloud to move around! See how you like it!” She scolded him.
“Ai…” Seiji said.
“Sorry…I just don’t like being stuck here…”
“I know…”
They talked for a while then Seiji left to meet up with Yutaro. Kyo stayed with Ai.
“It’s ok…If you want to…”
“That’s not it…” He moved to the bed. “Ai…I really like you…”
“I like you too…” She didn’t let him respond. She kissed him gently. He wrapped his arms around her.
“I don’t like you…I’m in love with you…” He said breathlessly.
“That’s good cause I’m in love with you Kyo.” Ai smiled.
After a few minutes a nurse came in and said that visiting hours were over. Kyo left. Sakura came in a little while later.
“Ready?” Sakura asked.
“Yes…” Ai said with a smile.
They walked home together with Rei and Shikamaru. Rei was still going to stay with Shikamaru. Ai got tired so Shikamaru afford to carry her. Sakura was going to but.
“Sakura you’re tired to so let me…” He picked Ai up.
“I’m…Sorry…” Ai whimpered.
“It’s alright…” Shikamaru told her.
Shikamaru carried her to the house then Sakura took her to the couch. Seiji came home right after they did. He sat with Ai.
“Why don’t you two stay for dinner?” Sakura asked.
“It’s late…” Shikamaru sighed.
“It’s not that late it’s only four…” Rei whispered to him. “We’d love to…” She said turning to Sakura.
There was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it!” Seiji said as he ran to the door.
“Hi Seiji…I uhh…Well I heard Ai was sick…So…”
“She’s sleeping right now, but…”
“Oh then…”
“No you should stay for dinner…Come in…” Seiji said as he moved to let her in.
“Ai’s in the living room…” Seiji said as he ran in to the kitchen. “Mom Kira’s here to see Ai and she’s staying for dinner.”
“Oh…Kira…That’s good because I made a lot …”
Seiji went to the living room and sat with Kira and Ai.
(Somewhere’s else that’s no here)
“Hmmm…It’s been a while…” Kiba said to himself.
He ran off with Akamaru.
“Ruuf roof..!”
“Yeah I know…”
They ran to a clearing at the edge of the village. Someone was there lying in the grass.
“Hey!” Kiba called.
“Unn…” The figure rose.
“I…It is you!”
The person squinted his eyes. “Is that Kiba Inuzuka?”
“Naruto…It’s been a long time…”
Kiba walked over to him. Akamaru followed him.
“Wow..! Is that Akamaru?”
“Yea… he’s bigger now isn’t he?”
“So why are you here, I mean it’s good to see you, but it’s been almost 30 years since you left.” Kiba sighed.
“To long if ya ask me!” He yelled. “But I was training real hard you know?”
“I bet you still can’t beat me…I mean you’re not even a genin yet.”
“Ahhh! Don’t remind me!”
“You should go see the Hokage…”
“I hear…That the Third died…”
“Yeah…Tsunade-sama is in charge now…”
“Tsunade..?” Naruto looked up. *I wonder what she’s like?*
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