The Final Showdown
Air Trek Q&A
Character Skeleton

If you have a question PM me or Heiny with questions with the title “Air Trek Question” She knows more about the anime/manga then me.
What is Air /Trek/Air Gear?
Air Gear is a shōnen manga and anime by the mangaka Oh! Great.
What is the Anime/Manga about?
Air Gear is about the lives of Itsuki "Ikki" Minami and his friends along with the latest trend, Air Treks. He learns about Air Trek and how his 'family' has a secret kept from him.
When does the Rp take place?
The Roleplay Will take place after Ikki has left air gear and the idea of the sport is changing to something more deadly and different. It takes place in the future but not all that far. Read the Story.
Can I be one of the characters from Air Gear?
NO! All characters must be pre-made and original along with the Teams. It’s like everything disappeared from before. Try to stay away from character pictures and such.


1. Semi-Lit Roleplay do a paragraph as best you can each post.
2. I want detail in all posts avoid one liners. I’m tired of people saying they are semi-lit them post two sentences every post with no detail.
3. SPELL CHECK/GRAMMER CHECK if I can take the time and be courteous to see if I have any mistakes by using word spell check and rereading so can you!
4. This is a long term roleplay.
5. Don’t quote, double post, stretch the page, or do like two pages of you and one person.
6. No using characters or teams from the anime/manga.
7. Follow the character skeleton to the best of your ability.
8. No God Moding you are NOT the ultimate skater.
9. If you say your character is anti-social don’t be talking up a storm to everyone!
10. Cursing is allowed but don’t go overboard.
11. Pm me with the character stats under, Trick me out Gear.
12. Everyone is human get over it.
13. You can be more then one character. Max is three.
14. Male can play Female, Female can play Male.
15. I can add rules whenever I want so ha!
Enjoyment is not a rule. So enjoy ^^


[If any]
[Male or Female]
[Your Team name if none put Solo Rider]
[Describe or picture with link
Special Abilities
[Any special tricks you can do on skates/attacks/special things you can do]
[everyone has some]
[write it out sentence format]
[anything else likes/dislikes/fighting weapons/ext]
[Be descriptive]
[imgright] Picture here.[/imgright]
[If any]
[Male or Female]
[Your Team name if none put Solo Rider]
[Describe or picture with link
[size=16]Special Abilities[/size]
[Any special tricks you can do on skates/attacks/special things you can do]
[everyone has some]
[write it out sentence format]
[anything else likes/dislikes/fighting weapons/ext]
[Be descriptive]
[imgright] Picture here.[/imgright]
[If any]
[Male or Female]
[Your Team name if none put Solo Rider]
[Describe or picture with link
[size=16]Special Abilities[/size]
[Any special tricks you can do on skates/attacks/special things you can do]
[everyone has some]
[write it out sentence format]
[anything else likes/dislikes/fighting weapons/ext]
[Be descriptive]