Harry Potter OotP Movie: Dissapointment again...
I saw the movie last night... SO DISSAPOINTING!!!! Come on!!!! seriously! I watched th movie a midnight on the on the yesterday only to be dissapointed, again. They took out a lot of stuff. No Quidditch. Hardly any Draco, so he didn't get beaten up by Harry and George (so they werent banned from quidditch for life). No Dobby, Neville found the Room of Requirement. We saw lots of Lucious Malfoy... too much for my tastes... Hagrid's brother was too nice. The movie, over all, was too short. Only 1 hour 15 minutes! They could have made it at least three hours long, with knowing what kind of profit they were going to make anyways! Ugghhhhh....... oh well... I'll stop complaining now, okay?