- Basic Information -
-Your Gaia Name: [ s e m p e r ]
-Join Date: 2/16/07
-Total Posts: 8695
-Posts Per Day: 57.20
-Join Date: 2/16/07
-Total Posts: 8695
-Posts Per Day: 57.20
- Account Information -
-Is this your first account on Gaia?: yes
- More Account Information -
-Have you changed your name on Gaia ?: i changed it awhile back
-What other names did you go by?: KgKissLiaste
-Why did you change your name (or names)?: twas a joke smile
-What other names did you go by?: KgKissLiaste
-Why did you change your name (or names)?: twas a joke smile
- Your Quest Information -
-What is the item you are questing for?: Steel-Plated Ninja Band 
-Quest Link: <<Semper's Questing>>
-When did you start your quest ?: 2/19/07 but i restarted on 06/17/07 after taking a break.
-Have you quested before?: yes
-If yes, was your quest successful?: yes
-Why or why not was your quest successful?: they were donated to me! whoop!
-Have you received help for this quest and/or previous quests?: yes
-If yes, please write in detail of the people that helped you with your quest and/or previous quests.: they were people from a random giving thread and a charity. KoiFishCharity (Yay YumeNezumi), PippinHobgoblin, Pale as Momo, also, 81k from Chill Charity and PokeAsheep

-Quest Link: <<Semper's Questing>>
-When did you start your quest ?: 2/19/07 but i restarted on 06/17/07 after taking a break.
-Have you quested before?: yes
-If yes, was your quest successful?: yes
-Why or why not was your quest successful?: they were donated to me! whoop!
-Have you received help for this quest and/or previous quests?: yes
-If yes, please write in detail of the people that helped you with your quest and/or previous quests.: they were people from a random giving thread and a charity. KoiFishCharity (Yay YumeNezumi), PippinHobgoblin, Pale as Momo, also, 81k from Chill Charity and PokeAsheep
- Progress -
-How much is the item you are questing for worth ?: 645,989 according to Gem on 7/18/07
-How much gold (or tickets) do you have in your current offer for your quest ?: 216,000
-If you applied here before, what was your offer on your last application ?: 13,500
-How much gold (or tickets) do you have in your current offer for your quest ?: 216,000
-If you applied here before, what was your offer on your last application ?: 13,500
- Questions -
-Application Attempt (How many times have you applied to this guild? Links to your previous applications in the guild are optional): 5
-Have you won in our guild before (Honorable Mentions count as wins. A simple yes or no will do)?: no
-If yes, how many times you won (Honorable Mentions count as wins, so count them as well)?: zero
-Why do you feel you should receive a donation from us?: truth be told i need help questing for this item. i like to give regularly to friends and the needy so i've set aside quest gold from giving gold now.
-Have you won in our guild before (Honorable Mentions count as wins. A simple yes or no will do)?: no
-If yes, how many times you won (Honorable Mentions count as wins, so count them as well)?: zero
-Why do you feel you should receive a donation from us?: truth be told i need help questing for this item. i like to give regularly to friends and the needy so i've set aside quest gold from giving gold now.
- Double Check Questions -
-Did you double check your application before you submitted it?: yes
-Did you double check your application after it was posted for any coding errors, spelling errors and/or missed questions?: yes
-Did you double check your application after it was posted for any coding errors, spelling errors and/or missed questions?: yes
Community Member