The Gaian National Pokemon League

Hikari is on vacation until the 28th. She can get on occasionally, so PMs will still be checked.
This thread is run by [[Hikari-chan]] and E-Lo equally. Neither one of us have any higher ranking, so we're like your Pokemon parents. dramallama
Anyone that PMs ME instead of [[Hikari-chan]] concerning Gyms is INSTANTLY Black Listed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Do NOT suggest that we become a guild. We've been through this argument and you will not win. Anyone that suggests without reading this post is grey listed.
First off all credit for this goes to Grave_the_Undead. I DID NOT come up with this, this is merely under new management of me and [[Hikari-chan]].
Credit for the Sinnoh Badges goes to Fox Warrior.
For those of you who need explanation, this is the Pokemon League of Gaia where you challenge the Gym Leaders here for their badges. Contrary to what the game teaches you, you can get these badges in any order.
Just because a Gym Leader has a certain badge does NOT mean they use only that type. They are permitted to use ANY Pokemon that doesn't violate the rules, as well as you, the challenger. Be prepared for any situation.
While you're here, feel free to discuss anything concerning your team or gym leader's teams but try not to make it too off topic. Trading is allowed TO AN EXTENT, but try to keep it to PMs or other topics. This thread is mainly for the purpose of challenging powerful Trainers and devising new tactics that you may enjoy using.
Battle Rules
-Legendaries will NOT be allowed. No EXCEPTIONS.
-No using hacked Pokemon or hack their stats. I don't care WHERE the Pokemon came from, if you use you lose. (Hey that's catchy. xD )
-Battle rules are posted on the Gym Leaders profile, they will make up their rules as long as the two above rules remain.
-Have good manners, don't be all "YOU JUST GOT OWNED!!" or anything like that if you win, it's rude.
-Now for another added rule, do not disconnect just because you fear you're going to lose, don't be a wuss, don't disconnect to switch your team, it's dis-honorable and makes you fail as a trainer.
- Do not discuss trading in this thread since it could get the thread closed down.
-This is a leader vs leader rule. If you are not a leader, ignore this rule.
If two gym leaders battle, to keep the stakes fair there would be three options.
1. Battle by Gym Leader A's rules. Gym Leader A's badge is on the line.
2. Battle by Gym Leader B's rules. Gym Leader B's badge is on the line.
3. Battle by rules agreed upon by both Gym Leaders. Both badges are on the line. Winner gets loser's badge.
1. Battle by Gym Leader A's rules. Gym Leader A's badge is on the line.
2. Battle by Gym Leader B's rules. Gym Leader B's badge is on the line.
3. Battle by rules agreed upon by both Gym Leaders. Both badges are on the line. Winner gets loser's badge.
*If you use over 2 shinies in battle, your team is subject to league inspection regardless of outcome of battle.*
Optional Clauses
The following clauses can be placed by any leader at will. These do NOT apply to all battles, unless specified by the individual gym leader.
Sleep/Freeze Clause: You can only put one of your opponent's Pokemon to sleep at a time. If your opponent has a Pokemon that uses rest that's fine, you can still put another one to sleep, but only one. Same applies with freezing.
Evasion Clause: No use of moves that raise evasion like double team and minimize.
Species Clause: No two of the same species on a team.
Substitution Clause: No team substitutions between matches. Moves like U-Turn and Baton Pass are ok.
Explosion/Selfdestruct Clause:Only ONE Pokemon per team can use this.
Item Clause: Only one of each type of item equipped on your Pokemon. Having Leftovers AND Black Sludge is ok. Same with Focus Band and Focus Sash.
Switch b***h Clause (x switches): Only the amount replaced by X is acceptable for an amount of switches. Any more than that is violating the clause.
Berry Clause: No berries can be used in battle.
Grey List
Black List
Jutsu Master - Lying about having WiFi.
SeanSolarBoy (Banned from Thread) - Trying to take another Gym Leaders spot, constantly begging and harassing other Gym Leaders requesting to be a Trainer in their gym.
Neo Punkster - Being a complete idiot, trying to get in when applications weren't being accepted, failing to even read the first post.
Jarie Suicune - Being an annoying pain in the a**.
C H I C O- For using hacked Pokemon in battle and offering hacked prizes.
GigaSphire-For using a Houndoom with hacked EV values.
bountyhunter1379- For using vulgar language and insulting regulars in order to seek attention.