Well today I had a few friends over and watched queen of the damned, personally I liked it, But then agin I love all vampire movies no matter how cheesy they are when i was little my dad let me watch all the "scary movies" with him and I always loved the vampire movies, some reason they always facinatated me, I went through a stage where I thought I was was a Vampire and if I got angry enough at that person I would bite them I also believed I was because I had Big I teeth that looked like vampire teeth
so anyways I told that to them and zach told me I was one haha I mean he had a good point i sleep all day, Im up all night I still have vampire looking teeth I have bags under my eyes and sometimes without my makeup I look dead, Im pale as snow (almost kinda) Im into blood (not drinking but i dont mind the taste...another thing i tried when i was little,plus when i cut my tounge on acciendt.)and I have always been in love with history im not sure if that has anything to do with that or not
but seeing that vampires arnt real, well the immortal "monster" kind of vampire im sure "Vampire" is some kind of label people get in school, i dont know but anyways seeing they arnt real i cant be ...Damn..
I still think being a vampire would be awesome tho..Hey I can see dream and hope cant I? wink
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Mikio-chan's Tainted thoughts
This is pretty much about my days and my thoughts and what not i guess im very agruementive so i should have a lot to say about things i guess
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