Far, far away, they look upon us with cold disdain as generation after generation take part in the anual race to disrupt their peaceful haven of rest.
Our breathe hung frozen in the brisk morning air, the seasons had already begun to change, leaving us with the undescribable feeling that we were being left behind.
He closed his eyes, and when he opened them she was gone. He had been to late again. But really, she ws still there, he just didn't see her. No one saw her, no one ever did. But he had been different, at least, she thought he had been.
Flinging back her head she laughed at the stars, daring them to change from their silent course across the midnight sky.
With a slow rumble of thunder the gray skies opened and let forth their tide, drenching Calli as she sat silent and miserable outside of the charred remains of the house that used to be her home.
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Story lines that I just can't bear to put down anywhere else
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Because summer is a time to be who you want to be, not who you're supposed to be .[/color:20ea8b9992]