My Current quest is for the d-tail. ^^ It's one of the three remaining items on my dream avi I have left to quest for, and, as it is the cheepest of the three (@_@ ho boy, this is going to take me a while) I decided to go for it first ^^
The d-tail is one of those Items that I'll admit, I've drooled over when seeing another gaian wearing ^^ I've molested more than a few gaians for wearing them over the past year and a half ninja It is, however, one of those items that I cannot see myself achieving; I'd love to, but I'll Need YOUR help to get it XD ^^ Seriously though, any help'll be appreciated
Before starting this quest, since September 06, I've had the pleasure of hosting three charity-giveaway events; one to celebrate my exam results in July-Sept, One for halloween 06, and one for christmas (that I plan to keep going untill shortly before the new year, as my birthday is within the first two weeks of jan ^^)
I will not be hosting another giveaway untill I have a tail 3nodding I then plan to give out at least another 300k xd
It has been a joy helping friends out a lil' with their quests, whilst making a few new awsome friends ^^
Over this time quite a few of the friends I have made on gaia, 03, 04, 05 & 06 users have decided to leave gaia. I'd just like to say that gaia has lost some truely great people 3nodding
Well anyway, I'd love any & all help with my quest ^^ Thank-you for taking the time to come visit!
Shi's Current Charity
~ As I've stated in all my threads, unfortunatly, untill I've completed my current quest, I will not be hosting another charity. >.< However, as proof that I have indeed had charities in the past, I'm posting lil' links here ^^ Those of you who have been to my halloween, christmas & exam-result giveaways (xD) - I'm hoping to host another one, either when I complete this quest, or when I'm so annoyed with it I'll take a break, blow my allowence & buy a load of donation letters to host another one <- something I cant normally do to get my own letters xD [3] [1] [2]
(However, shi may decide to give a few lil' donations out via this thread, depending on shi's mood ^^ Keep a look-out)
u got the alpha brain.. who is betrothed to first lady-mini-shi emotion_awesome
[b:edff030be2]Officially (and forever) first mother of the blessed doll of BRAIN[/b:edff030be2]
BRAINtology Achieved 5th Jun 14 <3
Help me get a mini-me?