Last Attack
"Ugly.. stupid.. whore.. slut.." The hateful words of rejection echoe through her head like a bell's ring in a small village, tears well up in her eyes and roll slowly down her face. The only option she has left, is to fight and defend her rightful place. The knife is pulled out, and against the offenders neck, she hesitates and removes the blade, sobbing now on her knees, cradling her face in her hands. Severl people gather 'round as she sobs, a teacher soon arrives and takes the unstable girl to his office, forcing the knife away from her. The girl sits in the chair, spaced... blurred... the tears continue to flow down her face, then when he speaks the truth, "Unstable..." She snapped inside. With her yells being heard echoing through all the halls she takes back her knife. "DAMN YOU ALL!" She yelled before taking off out of the office, the few people that cared for her were at their lockers when she raced by them in tears. They realized something was wrong. When the caught up with her in the auditorium blood was dripping from her hands into two puddles below on the ground. Her smile was small and it grew as she saw more people come into the auditorium after her friends, her eyes closed as she stood there and she soon collapsed. Her friends rushed to her aid but they were too late, she was dead. When her friends looked at her wrists a small message was left. "Last Attack." One of the friends read aloud and started to sob, her last message was heard loud and clear, her last attack, inflicted upon herself. Instead of on one of her offenders.
"Ugly.. stupid.. whore.. slut.." The hateful words of rejection echoe through her head like a bell's ring in a small village, tears well up in her eyes and roll slowly down her face. The only option she has left, is to fight and defend her rightful place. The knife is pulled out, and against the offenders neck, she hesitates and removes the blade, sobbing now on her knees, cradling her face in her hands. Severl people gather 'round as she sobs, a teacher soon arrives and takes the unstable girl to his office, forcing the knife away from her. The girl sits in the chair, spaced... blurred... the tears continue to flow down her face, then when he speaks the truth, "Unstable..." She snapped inside. With her yells being heard echoing through all the halls she takes back her knife. "DAMN YOU ALL!" She yelled before taking off out of the office, the few people that cared for her were at their lockers when she raced by them in tears. They realized something was wrong. When the caught up with her in the auditorium blood was dripping from her hands into two puddles below on the ground. Her smile was small and it grew as she saw more people come into the auditorium after her friends, her eyes closed as she stood there and she soon collapsed. Her friends rushed to her aid but they were too late, she was dead. When her friends looked at her wrists a small message was left. "Last Attack." One of the friends read aloud and started to sob, her last message was heard loud and clear, her last attack, inflicted upon herself. Instead of on one of her offenders.