I've been through alot and if It wasn't for my stories I might have gone insane but
I'm getting off subject here goes another part in the story
Kiname fell to her knees as the leader teleported away infront of her.
SHe looked up at her brother as he ran in but soon she laied on the ground stairing at nothing but the cave wall.
"KINAME!!!!!" Deidara shouted running over to her, he stopped shortly in shock as he saw the blood on the walls..
"KIname?....what happend to you?" he whisperd falling to his knees beside her.
SHe looked at him.
"Hiya big brother...you don't hate me do you?"
Deidara looked at her funny.
"No why would I hate you....what happend who did this to you?"
Kiname looked back at the wall.
"who do you think..."she whisped taking a breath,pain filling her neck and her chest.
Deidara picked her up slowly.
"Leader?....Why....what did you do this time?"
"I don't know.......big brother...did...my sasori-danna.....did he love me?"
Deidara was tooken aback by her question.
"of course....you know he did....what did that b*****d say something to you?"
KIname looked away from him.
she trusted her brother.she wanted to beleve him, and never before had the leader's words gotten to her.... so now why did she feel like it had all been lies...why did she not trust her sasori-danna.
She winced as she felt Deidara pick her up and stand up himself.
"I'm taking you to Zetsu hopefully he can heal you....if he doesn't eat you first" he told her walking towards the cave entrance.
Kiname would have laughed at that..she never knew why she would but she did, but now she didn't fill like laughing.
She looked back at the wall that was stained with her blood and would probrally stay that way her eyes then caught just by chance the body of her fallen lover aginst the wall.
HE hand went as if on instinct in his direction why her brother still carried her away,she still tried to reach for him.
As Deidara neared the entrance kiname's soft whisper of her lover's name escaped her lips.
Deidara looked at her.
"Kiname?" he asked.
"Sasori"..she whisperd.
Deidara looked in the direction she was looking.
"SASORI-DANNA!!!!"She cried forcing herself out of his arms and running though very wavering and limp towards sasori's puppet body.
Her blood made a trail behind her leading from her brother to where she now stood infront of sasori.
She fell onto of his body crying.
Thats all she was able to do,words wouldn't come, her actions were only of that her arms embracing his cold body.
Deidara watched her, he wasn't going to interfeir. Sasori's death had hurt him just as much though he figured she was taken it alot harder.
He sighed.
why did it have to be her that this happend too..why did sasori have to die.
He was all Kiname really had.
Deidara looked away and noticed Zetsu with Tobi at his side at the mouth of the cave.
Tobi looked up at Zetsu then back towards Deidara.
Zetsu nodded towards Deidara.
"I guess you were right Deidara....I apolgize...for thinking you wrong....is she okay?"
Deidara smiled at the sudden pride he got from being right but it faded soon after.
He didn't know how to reply to weither his sister was alright.
physicaly she wasn't that bad she'd live...however mently was what he worried about.
Would she be alright?
And that's all for today my friends and loyal reades stop by again if I write more Xp
but like always comment first ^_^
The stone hearted medic

The protective older brother

the lost lover

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