I will RP with you. So here are My RP Characters |
If you want a person to RP with you, or join your RP. I am willing to go for it. I have a list of different profiles, and all you have to do is PM me and say which character you want me to play. Each will be numbered.
#001 ~Username~ GothiccookieQueen ~Name~ Yuki ~Age~ 16 ~Race~ Wind Demon, Angel, Dark Angel ~Bio~ Father, King sirius of Elpha, a Seraphim, and a young wind demon women, Iceis, gave birth to Yuki. But, Iceis died at giving child birth. So Sirius was on his own to take care of Yuki. At first, He could stand the child, for the only power it seemed to develop was truning objects into chocolate. Until later discovered the childs ability to use wind as well as Iceis had. Maybe even better since Yuki had such rare blood. Oma, a old sorceress had been mentoring Yuki to use that power. And ever since the wind has been by Yuki's side. Now, the family rests in Elpha. And Yuki is off to a different life. ~Appearence~  ~Power~Chocolate, Wind ~Weapon~ A glove which can turn her hand into a wind demons. In other words, her nails will grow long and can be used to summon even more powerful wind attacks. Plust the claws itself can be a weapon. Other then that she can use her hands to fight. ~Other~ Hate show offs and people whom think they own the earth. And is afraid of cows.
#002 Name: Desu Age: ?? Race: Dark angle Bio: Has lived a solitary life, being within the clan of Dark angels isn't what most people think. One has to know how to stand to be by themselves. Within the life of the Dark angel clan he has awarded the name Reaper of angels. For that is his main job. To assasinate, or get rid of angel beings. Not only a job, but his specialty. No one knows for sure about the kind of family he had, and only know that they are not even existing now. Appearence: Powers: Illusion, Shape Shifting Weapon: A glove which develops a thread like substance. Invisible to the eye and deadly. A Sword which he only uses at desprete measures. Other: He loves women with a pretty face. Yet hates people whom are without patience.
#003 Name: Nominae Age: 16 Race: Demon Bio: Nominae used to live with a happy family of two brothers a sister, father, and mother. Until a large attack demon pireat attacked the small town of which she lived in. They found Nominae standing infront of the living room with a sword in her hands, Ready to risk her life to save anything she had left. That defense cause her to go blind in one eye. The other to not see so clear. Though her flaws were harsh, she was still beautiful. So with no where to turn she gave up and joined the clan. Becomeing no other then a leader of the feirce group. Appearence:  Power: Turn objects into gold, fire Weapon: Twin japanses swords, twin double barrel hand guns Other: She is kind, and can be a strong being.
#004 Name: Tox Age: 15 Race: Grim Reaper Bio: Lived among a normal life of going to a highschool, lisening to top music, and dateing boys. Until one day her life changed forever when she had falled in line with no other then the reaper. The reaper decided that Tox would be the perfect apprentice, to soon take his place as The Grim Reaper. Appearence:  Power: Blood, control the undead, illusions. Weapon: A long Black bladed scythe. Twin daggers. Other: hates people who smoke.
#005 Name: Tina Age: 16 Race: Weather demon Bio: Tina had lived only with her father for her mother had been murdered. For years she had delt with her fathers obesssion with alcohol and payed the price each and everytime. One night at the age of 13 she was walking home late from school. Hopeing to miss her fathers alcholoic rage. When she came home she found her self threatened by the family ancestors gun. By no other then the man that help create her. He shot her without mercy, blaming Tina for her mother murder. Her father dragged her out to the back yard to hang his daughter out in an up comming storm. Then shot himself. Tina though, may have turned to look dead...but instead was reborn by the storm. As a weather demon. Appearence:  Power: Weather Weapon: An umbrella which can turn into a regular staff or a long sword.
#006 Name: Selena Age: 14 Race: Death Spirt Bio: Living with several brothers and sisters and a household of strangers. She had learned serveral skills, leadership, owners ship and responsiblilty. She held a secret from the others though, that her family indeed was related to death itself. She was a old ghost spirits which try to get rid of humanity. Keeping the world clinsed. Appearence:  Power: Darkness, illusions, light Weapon: Spirit black bladed scythe
#007 Name: Ruyuk Age: ????? Race: Dragon Bio: A girl whom lives a normal dragon life of destruction, and darkness. To keep up her reputation of being the high numbered dragon and never be beaten by any other. She goes to many fighting arenas and contests that concerns violence. To practice and to gather more strength. Appearence:  Power: Fire, electricity, ice Weapon: chain whip.
#008 Name: Misuka Age: 18 Race: Sorceress Bio: A women whom comes to earth when it is in need. A powerful breed and graceful. She is part of a rare sorcerey race that only uses their powers when commanded by the gods themself. They are used to fight large wars and grant those with their hearts pure, wishes that could have them gain either more or less. Misuka is one of the 5 sorceress whom carries the blood fully within her vains. Appearence:  Power: Elements Weapon: in pic.
OoxBonboriChanxoO · Fri Sep 28, 2007 @ 02:57am · 0 Comments |