benny_hemei: *apears behind you 2* ooh good idea*
Monkeyguy22: lets go to the store i'm hungey
Monkeyguy22: he never fed me
Monkeyguy22: i want ramen
benny_hemei: *walks behind you 2*
Monkeyguy22: yes!!!!!!!!!!!
caen13: some thing creepy is behind us
benny_hemei: ....
Monkeyguy22: do you get the feeling like someones behind us
caen13: yea i just said that
benny_hemei: *keeps walking behind you 2*
Monkeyguy22: ...
caen13: *teath chatering*
benny_hemei: *sigh*
Monkeyguy22: here 's a shogun *Throws at caen*
Monkeyguy22: shotgun*
caen13: k thanks
caen13: *blasts creepy thing*
caen13: much better'
Monkeyguy22: *pulls regular hand gun*
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: *keeps walking as if nothing happend*
Monkeyguy22: *hold pointing to familar shadow*
Monkeyguy22: stop
caen13: wats happining?
Monkeyguy22: or your going down
benny_hemei: *stops walking*
benny_hemei: hmmm?
Monkeyguy22: what do you want and why are you following us
benny_hemei: i got bored...*sigh*
Monkeyguy22: you left us once and now your back
caen13: yea dint I just shot u?
Monkeyguy22: he's too fast
benny_hemei: .....
Monkeyguy22: or a demon
caen13: darn that beany If thats his name
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: w/e
Monkeyguy22: or is'nt really there and is just a figment of imagination
benny_hemei: *begins 2 walk in front of them*
Monkeyguy22: *hold gun * i siad stop
benny_hemei: *stops* hmmm did you say sumptin?
Monkeyguy22: i siad stop!
benny_hemei: did you?
Monkeyguy22: stop stop stop!
benny_hemei: hmmm
caen13: *touches figure* yea hes real
benny_hemei: how did you get there?
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: don`t touch me plz...
benny_hemei: *begins 2 walk again*
Monkeyguy22: his weak ness
caen13: im also fast menie
Monkeyguy22: *poke poke poke poke poke *
benny_hemei: .....
benny_hemei: stop...
Monkeyguy22: poke*
caen13: touch atack
Monkeyguy22: *poke eye*
benny_hemei: *begins 2 wave his tail he has been hiding*
Monkeyguy22: lol
Monkeyguy22: hi
benny_hemei: stop...
caen13: *touch beny several times*
Monkeyguy22: poke face*
benny_hemei: *walks away*
benny_hemei: ....
caen13: come back
benny_hemei: wut do you want?
Monkeyguy22: *poke sosme more * where you going*
benny_hemei: i don`t know...
caen13: i wna poke u its fun
Monkeyguy22: hey cmon *poke poke poke poke*
benny_hemei: .....
caen13: *poke pokepoke*
Monkeyguy22: *poke poke poke*
benny_hemei: *picks you up with tail* i said stop
caen13: help!!!!
benny_hemei: *lets go*
benny_hemei: ugh sorry
benny_hemei: *runs away*
caen13: oww
Monkeyguy22: *shoots tail* srry
benny_hemei: *hides tail again*
caen13: *rubs head*
benny_hemei: ahh
benny_hemei: god
Monkeyguy22: you ok
caen13: yah
Monkeyguy22: caen
benny_hemei: *keeps running*
caen13: that suipids benny going down
caen13: *chases relly fast and ataks*
benny_hemei: *grabs her with tail again face starts 2 get scales on it* stop
caen13: owww!
caen13: help mee!
benny_hemei: *lets go*
benny_hemei: damnit
benny_hemei: *cover face and runs*
caen13: *bites tail*
benny_hemei: ahhh
benny_hemei: stop
caen13: dont pick me up again!!!
benny_hemei: *runs away*
caen13: the hell
benny_hemei: .....
Monkeyguy22: *shoots tail*
benny_hemei: ugh
benny_hemei: wut the hell
caen13: die benny
benny_hemei: the*
benny_hemei: wut did i do?
dakotaray11: y do you want him to die
benny_hemei: *grows more scales*
Monkeyguy22: die
caen13: u did stuff
caen13: no
benny_hemei: *talks i a weird voice* leave me alone
caen13: yes mabey so
Monkeyguy22: he's evil want to help or join his side (ewww)
caen13: yeah join us
caen13: dakota
Monkeyguy22: we have cookies
benny_hemei: ....
caen13: macademian and suger and lots more
dakotaray11 leaves the chat.
benny_hemei: *in a very demonic voice he screams*
caen13: that was mean of dakota
benny_hemei: leave me alone
caen13: never
benny_hemei: wut did i do?
caen13: *touchering benny*
caen13: lots of things
caen13: plus this is fun
benny_hemei: ....
Monkeyguy22: *poke poke poke poke poke pokepoke poke poke poke poke pokepoke poke poke poke poke poke*
caen13: hahahahaha
caen13: lol
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: *knocks both of you out*
benny_hemei: .....
caen13: uhhhhhhhh....
Monkeyguy22: *falls* ...
benny_hemei: *runs away hides*
Monkeyguy22: *wakes up
caen13: *standing surprizingly knocked out*
Monkeyguy22: *loses memory*
Monkeyguy22: where am i?
benny_hemei: *cries*
caen13: *still knocked out*
Monkeyguy22: *looks at girl standing*
benny_hemei: *scales and tail goes away*
caen13: auhhhhhh....
Monkeyguy22: *starts to walk away*
benny_hemei: *still cries*
Monkeyguy22: into a dark alley*
caen13: *wakes up*
Monkeyguy22: runs away too now*
caen13: why am i alone!!!
caen13: *crying *
caen13: *walks randomly*
benny_hemei: *cries more harder*
benny_hemei: *hears somone walking*
caen13: wats that crying
benny_hemei: *tries 2 stop*
caen13: *looks*
caen13: its stoped
benny_hemei: *coughs*
caen13: *walking to were i herd the sound*
caen13: helo
caen13: anybody here
benny_hemei: *gets up and runs*
caen13: wait stop!!!!
caen13: *runs after person*
benny_hemei: *keeps running*
Monkeyguy22: *walks in alley* hears yelling*
caen13: *catches up with person*
benny_hemei: *trips*
caen13: gotcha
benny_hemei: ugh
caen13: who r u?
benny_hemei: i..i don`t know....
benny_hemei: *cries*
caen13: well why r u crying
Monkeyguy22: *walks toward voices*
Monkeyguy22: hides in corner too see them talking*
caen13: its ok
benny_hemei: .....
caen13: tell me wat happed
benny_hemei: *gets up*
benny_hemei: ....
Monkeyguy22: (who are they ?)
benny_hemei: *looks around*
caen13: thats it......
Monkeyguy22: *hides a little better*
caen13: wat happed 2 u
benny_hemei: ....
caen13: cant u talk?
benny_hemei: ppl were trying 2 kill me
caen13: who
benny_hemei: i don`t know who
caen13: you can stay with me so I can help protect u
caen13: 2 is better than 1
benny_hemei: i don`t know...
caen13: its ok u can trust me
caen13: ^_^
benny_hemei: well....
benny_hemei: all right...
caen13: yah
caen13: a new friend
caen13: *walking away with stranger*
benny_hemei: *walks behind you*
Monkeyguy22: *follows both of them from a distance*
caen13: so why do these people want 2 kill u
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: i don`t know....
caen13: well
caen13: um
caen13: just smile and every thing will be ok
caen13: *^_^*
benny_hemei: ....
Monkeyguy22: *looks down notices a gun *
caen13: u dont like 2 talk very much do u
Monkeyguy22: (i must've been one of them)
benny_hemei: ...
benny_hemei: no
caen13: and by the way wats ur name
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: its....
benny_hemei: its..umm...
Monkeyguy22: *cocks gun and reloads*
benny_hemei: i cant remeber....
caen13: wat was that/
benny_hemei: *heres somthing*
caen13: ohh
Monkeyguy22: *i have to do what i was meant to do)
caen13: why is my arm bleeding
benny_hemei: hmm?
caen13: *looking at arm*
Monkeyguy22: *shoots bennys leg*
caen13: my arm is BLEEDING!!!
benny_hemei: ugh my leg
Monkeyguy22: *runs toward 2 figures*
benny_hemei: *falls*
caen13: *Runing franctily
benny_hemei: *scales return*
benny_hemei: *screams in a demonic voice*
caen13: wat the...
caen13: wat r u
caen13: who r u
Monkeyguy22: what the hell are you
caen13: whos that
benny_hemei: *grows wings*
Monkeyguy22: *bang bang*
benny_hemei: ugh
caen13: *looks backword*
Monkeyguy22: he won't go down
caen13: why r u doing this!!!
Monkeyguy22: grrrrrrr
benny_hemei: *doges bullets and apears behind monkey*
caen13: *crying *
caen13: pleese no blood!!!
benny_hemei: *knocks gun out of ur hands*
benny_hemei: *wraps tail around you and squeezes*
caen13: *backs away slowly*
Monkeyguy22: I may not no my past but this is the only thing is to kill you
benny_hemei: *squeezes harder*
caen13: *shoked in fear*
Monkeyguy22: do what you want
benny_hemei: *loosens grip and drop you*
caen13: *comes closer*
Monkeyguy22: *pulls knife * stabs tail*
benny_hemei: ugh
Monkeyguy22: *runs *
caen13: wats going on
Monkeyguy22: *hides in shadows*
caen13: hey come bak
benny_hemei: *runs tword caen grabs her and flies 2 a roof top*
caen13: what r u doing how can u fly wat r u
Monkeyguy22: (i'll get you you monster)
benny_hemei: *lets go of you and sits on the roof top*
caen13: who was that
benny_hemei: i don`t know...
benny_hemei: he must have been 1 of the people who wus trying 2 kill me
caen13: so hes bad right
benny_hemei: *scales wings and tail goes away*
benny_hemei: *screams*
caen13: huh
benny_hemei: *looks at leg*
benny_hemei: ugh
caen13: omg!!!!11
caen13: *screems*
caen13: who shooting him WHO!!
caen13: tel mee..
benny_hemei: i don`t know...just calm down....
caen13: but u just got shot
benny_hemei: happend when that guy wus there....
caen13: that guy? *flashback*... wats his deal
Monkeyguy22: *runs and finds them watch from down below*
caen13: there he is
Monkeyguy22: *notices a door *
caen13: *pointing donward*
Monkeyguy22: runs toward door*
Monkeyguy22: (hides)
caen13: we gata go
benny_hemei: .....
benny_hemei: *grows wings again*
caen13: that
benny_hemei: .....
caen13: never mind
caen13: lets just go
benny_hemei: *picks you up and flies away*
Monkeyguy22: *opens goes in runs up stairs*
Monkeyguy22: goes to ceiling
Monkeyguy22: (hides )
caen13: *falls asleep*
benny_hemei: *looks at her*
benny_hemei: *keeps flying*
caen13: *wakes up*
caen13: were r we
benny_hemei: *lands on top of a tall building*
benny_hemei: i don`t know....
benny_hemei: *wings retract back into boddy*
caen13: did we get away from that guy
benny_hemei: yes
benny_hemei: but i don`t know how long till he comes back....
Monkeyguy22: *jumps from roof top to roof top*
caen13: ok wat do we do now
benny_hemei: .....
benny_hemei: i don`t know
caen13: so lets get somthin to eat im starving
benny_hemei: .....
benny_hemei: *wings grow back*
benny_hemei: ....
Monkeyguy22: *finds them hides in shadows slowly starts to climb rooftop*
pukelanita: nananananana puzzle pie
Monkeyguy22: *i was slowly climbing up building secrtly of course
benny_hemei: *picks you up and flies away*
caen13: hey lets go to that returaunt
benny_hemei: allright....
Monkeyguy22: *watchs *(dam)
Monkeyguy22: *jumps high* try to reach benny *
Monkeyguy22: *grabs benny*
benny_hemei: ....
benny_hemei: *looks down*
caen13: do u have any....look!!
Monkeyguy22: *pulls recent gun out*
benny_hemei: *grows tail*
caen13: ahhhhhhhhhh!!
Monkeyguy22: *bang bang* i have to kill you
benny_hemei: *takes guns out of hands*
Monkeyguy22: *pulls knife* STabs while climbing near caen*
caen13: let go of him dude
benny_hemei: *rapidly goes down*
caen13: let go
Monkeyguy22: Grr stay out of my way
Monkeyguy22: he has to die
benny_hemei: *lets go of caen*
caen13: ahh !!!
caen13: *floats down slowly*
Monkeyguy22: there something that tells me i have to kill him
caen13: wat???
benny_hemei: *pulls monky off of him and lets go of him*
caen13: why
Monkeyguy22: noooooooooo
Monkeyguy22: *falls down*
caen13: *lands and run*
caen13: come get me benny
Monkeyguy22: (is this how it ends all of it with no memorys maybe its better this way*
benny_hemei: *lands on ground realy hard*
benny_hemei: *ground breaks underneath him*
caen13: idont think hes spose to die
benny_hemei: *gets up
benny_hemei: *
caen13: its somthin in my gut
Monkeyguy22: *looks down see's the both of them* looks around see's gun falling too grabs in midair* *shoots *
Monkeyguy22: i'm going out with a bang
caen13: watch out*pushes benny*
Monkeyguy22: *bang bang bang*
benny_hemei: *puts wing in front of caen*
caen13: thanks
Monkeyguy22: grrr stupid girl stay out of my way*
caen13: who u calling stuipid
Monkeyguy22: *bang bang bang*
pukelanita: o_รณ
Monkeyguy22: *almost about to fall *
caen13: *feels in pocket*
benny_hemei: *runs tword were monkey is falling and catches him then knocks him out*
Monkeyguy22: *hits ground dies on impact*
caen13: *finds ruber band*
benny_hemei: O.o
caen13: och
Monkeyguy22: (yes)
caen13: he hit hard
benny_hemei: *lays him on the ground and walks away*
caen13: wait up
benny_hemei: .....
Monkeyguy22: *heartbeat*
caen13: k
pukelanita: O_O
pukelanita: ;O;
Monkeyguy22: (join our epic adventure then)
pukelanita: how
Monkeyguy22: you just jump in whenever you feel like
pukelanita: ^^ kk
caen13: yay a new person
Monkeyguy22: any but join in do whatever you feel would go good with the story
pukelanita: kk
Monkeyguy22: Any way) *still on floor * *heartbeat*
caen13: wait up banny
caen13: srry benny
Monkeyguy22: (why can't i beat him )
caen13: where r we going im hungry
benny_hemei: *takes the bullets out of wing*
Monkeyguy22: hears voice* (you want to beat him )
caen13: wow
Monkeyguy22: (voice: unleash it then )
Monkeyguy22: (un leash what )
benny_hemei: *picks caen up and flys*
benny_hemei: just show me were you want 2 go....
Monkeyguy22: (voice: every one has demon power its that apping into it is the hard part you really thought you could beat a demon by yourself)
Monkeyguy22: (but how do i......)
Monkeyguy22: * clouds get dark*
pukelanita: *throws a Katana* CATCH =D
Monkeyguy22: *starts to rain in city*
Monkeyguy22: *gets up* mmm?
caen13: I wanna go to a ramen restaurant for some reason
benny_hemei: ok..then...
Monkeyguy22: katana?
benny_hemei: *flies near a ramen resturant and lands*
benny_hemei: *wings contract back into the body*
Monkeyguy22: what will this do....
benny_hemei: *puts you back down*
Monkeyguy22: looks around* hello
caen13: lets go eat
benny_hemei: *walks tword ramen shop*
benny_hemei: right....
caen13: *goes inside resturaunt*
benny_hemei: *walks in store*
Monkeyguy22: hello?
benny_hemei: ......
caen13: yummy *eating ramen rapidly* all done
benny_hemei: .....
benny_hemei: do you want more?
benny_hemei: *eats some ramen*
Monkeyguy22: (no matter this demon is going down)
caen13: yes please!!!!
benny_hemei: all right
Monkeyguy22: *lighting strike down on city*
caen13: Done im full
benny_hemei: *finishes ramen*
Monkeyguy22: *walk in rain looks at sword *
benny_hemei: *pays bill and walks out*
caen13: lets go
Monkeyguy22: but how do i unleash its power)
Monkeyguy22: *looks around*
Monkeyguy22: sees benny and caen*
caen13: hey i just......
caen13: look
pukelanita: *Katana glows*
benny_hemei: hmmm?
caen13: yea
Monkeyguy22: *runs toward*
benny_hemei: *sees monkey*
Monkeyguy22: *slashes katana towrd benny*
caen13: *goes backward*
benny_hemei: *dodges and then picks monkey up by the neck*
Monkeyguy22: grrrr
benny_hemei: *throws him*
pukelanita: *Katana glows deeper*
caen13: why r u glowing
Monkeyguy22: *hits wall breaks *
benny_hemei: *looks at katana and thinks 2 self* have i seen that sword before?
Monkeyguy22: *looks up *yes the power i feel it now
caen13: *.....kanta....*
benny_hemei: *feels as if he is getting weaker*
Monkeyguy22: **pulls balde up points at benny* die.......
caen13: what *walks closer*
Monkeyguy22: *runs toward slashs shoulder*
benny_hemei: *holds shoulder* ahh
Monkeyguy22: *bennys shoulder*
caen13: *stares at kanta*
pukelanita: *Katana absorbs blood*
benny_hemei: *punches monkey*
benny_hemei: *grabs ahold of the blade and tries 2 creak it*
benny_hemei: break*
Monkeyguy22: grrr
Monkeyguy22: my thats it
benny_hemei: *noting happens 2 the sword*
caen13: *dejavu *dont break it it
benny_hemei: *lets go of it*
benny_hemei: *picks caen up and runs*
Monkeyguy22: *uses broken sword to fight even further*
Monkeyguy22: *slashe wing*
benny_hemei: *grows wings while running and takes off*
benny_hemei: ahhh
benny_hemei: *falls down*
caen13: i ive seenthis hapening before ...............
benny_hemei: *coughs up blood*
caen13: *flashback*
caen13: BENNY!!!
benny_hemei: *scales grow back eyes glow blood red*
benny_hemei: *tail grows*
caen13: *backs of slowly*
Monkeyguy22: *breathing hard *your not going anywhere
benny_hemei: *loughs*
Monkeyguy22: what are you gonna do?
benny_hemei: laughs*
benny_hemei: *gets up*
Monkeyguy22: there's nothing more to do
benny_hemei: *the cuts on him begin 2 heal*
Monkeyguy22: my life is a blur and there nothing to lose now
benny_hemei: *eyes glow deeper*
benny_hemei: *stares streight into ur eyes*
Monkeyguy22: *looks at the devil himself*
benny_hemei: *disapears and reapeers behind you*
benny_hemei: *punches your back*
Monkeyguy22: *tries to turn around to slash*
benny_hemei: *picks you up and throws you*
Monkeyguy22: ah*falls*
benny_hemei: *takes katana*
Monkeyguy22: *hit wall*
pukelanita: *Katana bleeds*
benny_hemei: *stabs monkey into the wall and twists the sword*
caen13: *faints*
Monkeyguy22: *looks at him*
benny_hemei: *eyes stop glowing*
Monkeyguy22: ....
benny_hemei: *scales disapeer*
Monkeyguy22: *closes eyes*
benny_hemei: *tail retracts*
View User's Journal
thats mean!!! its not nice 2 mak fun of people who cant spell!!!!! >.<'
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