My Master is: Kosuke Kumiko
I’ve been around for: 18
I Originate from: Sand
My life so far: She travels to differnt villages very often. She use to have a crush on Gaara but never had the guts to tell him how she felt. Her family has never actually has never gotten along with eachother so that is why she has chosen a life style to keep her distance from them.
This is How i Treat People: She is very friendly...usually. But if you get on her bad side it won't be pretty.She usually has a small book. Cause she loves reading love stories.
I Carry with me: regular ninja weapons and usually a sythe on her back
I Hate you: Ino, Neji
This Person is my World: none YET!!
Secrets: loves music
flowers, candy you know the simple things that shows a boy likes her
IS totally afraid of the dark. She had a crush on Sasuke for a short period of time.

Sexuality: straight
Personality: He is usually is somewhat cool and composed but sometimes gets loud and voilent. He will stick up for his friends and usually his friends only. He does not take nicely to anyone who bullies people for any good reason.
Bio: He is the youngest in his family. He has one older brother who doesn't talk to him much. His family isn't the richest nor the poorest but he usually has to buy his own things if he wants it. To him it feels like everything has gone down hill since his mother was killed. But still seems to always force a smile or a joke to make someone wlse feel better.
Grade: 11th
Class Schedule:
2:Earth science
4: PE:Track&Field
5 razz hotography
Other: he likes to skateboard or take pictures in his free time.
Username:Kosuke Kumiko

Accepted Profiles <3

Red Vain is my home, where I can hide in the cornor without disterbance I am a girl who can control your world, with my fame of range and anger.
Kry; Bre

With the world collapsing, those who find their meaning shall live on forever.


only reason i have this pic is cause i like vincent and sasuke
Community Member
Journal Tag: G$G103