AGE: 17
STRENGTHS: The strongest telepaths among the fourth-generation students, capable leaders, able to use cerebra, arrogant, sometimes cruel
WEAKNESSES: It is possible for another one of the Cuckoos to wrest control of the gestalt and perhaps even use the powers without the consent and knowledge of the others. With the loss of Sophie and Esme, it is unknown as to whether they are now weaker than they were as the Five-In-One, or if the sum of their powers was redivided amongst the three remaining Cuckoos.
REASON: Excellent
INTUITION: Excellent
PSYCHE: Amazing
PHYSICAL ATTACK: Typical 1 x 6
ENERGY ATTACK: None (See Modifiers)
Telepathy: mutants with various telepathic abilities. They can read minds and project their thoughts into the minds of others. Though they individually possess their own power they work in greater power when the girls join in a supermind rapport. When joined, telepathy is at Amazing rank. 1x100
• Telepathic Illusion: ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring. Remarkable. 1x12
• Mind Link: ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual. Incredible. 1x20
• Mind Control: capable of controlling the minds of others but only one at a time and if the target is in her physical presence. Remarkable. 1x12
• Mind Possession: ability to possess the mind of another, and use that beings body as your own. Remarkable. 1x12
• Mind Alteration: ability to alter the minds of others by force of will. Excellent. 1x10
• Telepathic Camouflage: ability to mask herself, and other peoples' presence from those around her. Can telepathically disguise herself, making her appearance to those around her quite different (changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more involved disguising). Remarkable. 1x12
• Cloak Mind: ability to rearrange the “mental engrams” of mutants so their distinctive mutant though patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devises or by other telepaths. Remarkable. 1x12
• Telepathic Tracking: enhanced psionic senses enable her to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum) especially if they pose a threat to her well-being in her immediate vicinity. Remarkable. 1x12
• Astral Projection: ability to Astral Travel and communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others. Amazing. 1x100
• Mental Paralysis: ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis. Remarkable. 1x12
• Mental Amnesia: Can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. Incredible. 1x20
• Psionic Blasts: can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness. Remarkable. 1x12
Gestalt Psychic Link: ability to merge their psychic engrams together to merge their telepathic power together allowing them to possess greater telepathic and intellectual power more then the sum of its parts. Sophie was the dominant consciousness and often commanded the Cuckoos. Amazing. 1x100
Collective Supermind: while melded they are capable of using their powers in unison with each other becoming a hive-mind capable of extensive telepathic and intellectual feats. Allowing the sisters to work together to manipulate vast amounts of telepathic power, in order to read the minds of others, project their thoughts psionically, manipulate perceptions of reality, and assume control of another person’s actions and thoughts. Amazing, (1x100) but become physically Feeble. (1x4)
Organic Diamond Form: ability to transform themselves into a flexible, translucent diamond-like substance while retaining mobility. In this form, their skin is as hard as real diamond. In this state, food and water are not needed for a undetermined amount of time. Their diamond form does not require a conscious hold and thus will remain until it is voluntarily triggered back.
* Telepathic Immunity: Enclosed in diamond skin, They cannot give or receive telepathic attacks. 3x100* Superhuman Stamina: ability to sustain peak exertion for up to a day.
* Superhuman Strength (Monstrous) 15x10
* Flawless Diamond: unlike Frost, their diamond forms are completely flawless. Nothing can enter or escape from their core. Skin, bone and muscle augmented to make it stronger and harder than human; impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent. They're completely impervious in their diamond form. Unearthly protection from physical and energy attacks. 3x100
* Perpetual Diamond Heart: also, unlike Emma, the Cuckoos can transform selective parts of their bodies as their hearts are in a perpetual diamond-form state. Therefore, they can never feel emotion again, even when in their "normal" tissue form. 2x100
PLAYED BY: Kara*Zone