Gaian Name: Gatz TdaMax
Character Name: Kein Engel
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: Unknown
Blood Type: B-
Appearance: Kein Engel 's most noticeable features are his spiky white hair and his piercing yellow eyes. He's about 5' 11" and weights 195 lbs, with a compact, cat-like musculature. Occassionally he dons a pair of sunglasses and a jacket made of dark brown leather, mostly when riding his motorcycle. Wears a set of biker gloves with the fingers cut off to make handling his weapon easier on his hands. His left arm is covered by a stylish tattoo he got in order to cover up his experiment number.
Parents: N/A
--- Yet another Sephiroth clone created by the infamous Hojo, he’s the only survivor of what was considered a failed experiment. Budget cutbacks by Shinra eventually closed the lab he was raised in, dumping him onto the streets of Edge at the age of six. He quickly adapted to the harsh and uncaring world around him in order to survive, becoming the model of hardcore juvenile delinquency by the time he was thirteen. About this time, there was a turning in Kein’s life. While exploring the ruins of Migard, a bad tumble dropped him down into one of the old Maeko reactors, and through it directly into the Lifestream. His memory of what happened next is a bit fuzzy, but he remembers talking to a mysterious young woman before he came to…
--- A week after his fall into the Lifestream, Kein woke up in a hospital. During his recovery the young thug realized that something important was been missing from his self-centered, survivalist lifestyle. Once released, he worked on trying to fit into normal society; unfortunately most people who knew of his thuggish past remained wary of him. Sensing this tension, Kein decided it would be best distant himself from his old haunts for awhile, until his harsh reputation to fade. As a result he’s been traveling for the last ten years, and has seen seeing things he never would have dreamed of in his world of sterile laboratory rooms and cramped alleyways. He does odd jobs to support himself, freelancing at almost any thing that requires a strong back or a hard fist. When work is hard to find he'll occasionally fall back on his thieving ways to keep his stomach full—old habits are hard to break. Recently he's considered returning to Edge, having heard that things have gotten interesting back home.
Weaponry: "Mortal Coil" - a long, extremely strong chain made of mythril, used in combination with Martial Arts.
Materia: Elemental (mastered, set to absorb 100% Bolt damage) - Bolt (level 3, Bolt 1, Bolt 2, Bolt 3), Fire (level 3, Fire 1, Fire 2, Fire 3), Counter Attack (mastered, 100% chance to counter physical attack), Steal (mastered, Steal, Mug)
Limit Breaks:
=Level 1=
Defiance -- Shrugs off all status ailments through sheer willpower and gains complete status immunity until his rage dies down. Not really an attack, but very handy because it will kick in automatically if an ailment is preventing him from taking action.
Chain Reaction -- A focused rush of adrenaline temporarily increases his fighting abilities. Strength, evasion, and speed greatly improve; moves as if under the affects of Haste. The effect lasts about five minutes.
=Level 2=
Chain Lightning -- Charges his weapon with a strong electrical current and whips it at the enemy party, blasting his foes with lightning as they are struck. Basically it’s a normal attack plus Bolt 3 to all opponents.
Soul Shackle -- Ghostly chains bind the spirit of his enemy, completely immobilizing him/her/it physically and magically. The effect can last up to ten minutes on an exceptionally weak enemy, though strong-willed opponents can shake off the effect much sooner. The attack strikes directly at the 'soul' of the target, and so ignores normal immunities. Has no effect on “soulless” things like robots and machines.
=Level 3=
Breaker -- A thick shell of solid rock forms around the target, immobilizing it for a few vital seconds. During this time Kein performs a powerful double-palm strike to a key point in the enemy’s defenses, shattering the stony prison in the process. This specialized attack is designed to crack even the strongest armor, lowering the opponent’s resistance to damage. The strike does massive damage against enemies with artificial or natural armor of any kind, as well as ones made of hard materials.
Rising Dragon -- A spiritual martial art that engulfs his weapon in a field of energy shaped like an eastern dragon. The technique gives him full control of the chain’s movement, allowing him to make use of its entire length while he launches a quick and powerful combo attack against all opponents. Contact with the foot wide, semi-solid field of power causes a mixture of Water, Bolt, and Non-Elemental damage. Kein ends the move by collecting the energy from the ‘dragon’ into his hand before it fades, then releases it in one final blast.
=Level 4=
Chains of Fate -- Kein’s taps into his dark heritage for this attack, increasing his abilities beyond mortal limits for a brief moment. Moving in a blur of motion, he binds the enemy party with a series of ethereal chains, holding them fast. Once his target(s) are secured he pauses to send two waves of energy down each tether; one of them dark and shadowy, and the other a bright, pure light. The conflicting forces spiral around each other until they reach the captives, slamming into their bodies with explosive force. With the impact the mystical bounds suddenly start to writhe as if alive, and seek to grab hold of Kein as well. Breaking free from the growing mass, the fist fighter defiantly plunges into the thick of things deals a massive blow to his creation, shattering the ghostly bonds in a shower of white and black feathers. The final attack also does a great deal of damage to his original targets. This ultimate Limit break deals a number of hits with Holy and Unholy (?) elemental damage, to be followed up by a strong physical attack at the end. Though the move is extremely powerful, the intense strain of channeling opposing forces and holding back his inner demons during the assault takes its toll on Kein’s body. Using the move reduces his current health by half.
--- Kein has picked up a few things in his wanderings: a decent weapon, some nice materia, and martial arts training in Wutra. His blows have become strong enough to shatter rocks--though obviously, he’ll still need a lot of help in order to take down certain enemies. As a natural fighter, he prefers taking a direct approach to many things in life.
--- Though the Remnant has pieced together a general account of his own past, his understanding of recent history is still a little unclear. Someone might need to bring him up to speed from time to time.
--- His favorite song is “Engel” by Rammstein, obliviously. He likes to whistle the haunting opening melody at odd moments.
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