most-wanted at the moment

I will post all my random tektek-ing here... mrgreen

I wear white so that I could always relive my victim's sufferings... evil

 When one soul is cursed, two graves are dug... (umm, can anybody tell me what EXACTLY the hellgirl wears when she ferries the ppl???) sweatdrop
 This seems easy enough... all I need is... 8K+ MORE!?!?!?!?! gonk
Why can't things be cheap any more!!! gonk crying
 wow... i can't believe that a 'good' quantity of stuff thats quite cheap would cost THAT much... 0.o" .,............................... oooooooohhhhhhh........ i forgot about the kitsune mask ... sweatdrop
damiaez1042 · Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 05:14pm · 3 Comments |