Winter on campus blows...
In college, no one can hear you scream. They're all too busy. Also, I cannot cut across the grass anymore; nearly every patch of earth that hasn't been cemented-over has become sinking swamp land. It's really inconvenient.
In other news... Battle! Can't believe how utterly excited I am over this new game. Battle sounds like so much fun... so much, in fact, I've gotten together a new outfit for myself in preparation for the many adventures that will be had! I wish I had clothes like that in real life... I am so poor. And tiny; I can't find anything that fits. sweatdrop
Also... since they're revamping(ed?) the forums' posting layout... why haven't they done it consistently over the entire website? Discrepancies with the look, maybe? I recall there was a great divide in opinions on that... I don't much mind, really. I liked the new, cleaner look, and I hope they will come to a consensus after they get more feedback from the members. I suppose that's what they are doing; gathering opinions and tweaking the designs, letting the new thing take a test drive so they know what they're up against.
Yay for random thoughts that have nothing to do with the title of my entry. whee