Mood: cool
Music: Boa - Amazing Kiss
hey everyone!
Today I made a friend Named trueblue28. Because its her birthday I want to help her get what she wants. Which is the Morgana's Dress that cost 2500 gold. i have about 478 gold atm for her dress. Any Donations would help. Even if its just 10 gold.
Mr. S:
He Hasnt updated his journal today yet. So I really have no news to say sad
Im Currently doing my own quest, its for the blue forehead jewel Id Love donations for that too!
Cute Gaian:
Not much i know about him cept hes 15 y.o.
i think hes a cute lil goth/vampire person biggrin

ok Sorry its short, I might come back and udate later. Ill talk to you guys later.