Okay! Today I make my first entry in the Gaia journal.
This is cool.
I decided to call my journal 'The Gryphon Chronicals.' I know... what the heck? It was the first idea that came to mind. Emblazoned in silver script on the leather cover of a journal. I know this journal doesn't have a leather color, but can we pretend? It would be cooler if it did.
I might actually write something about gryphons eventually. They are woefully underrepresented in modern fantasy, and when they do pop up, they're either a bit part or, worse, evil. An evil gryphon? Where did this idea come from? Seriously, feirce I can understand, fickle makes sense, proud, confidant, and arrogant are all justified. But evil?
So people must be re-educated about gryphons.
I think that's all for today's entry,
PS - I'm going away until the fifth. Of July. So... hopefully, my next entry will be then.