Quickly, the Head-Honcho, ME, withdrew an M-16 and shot like heck. It hit Gasuke, the Head Llama. He died a quick, painless death. burning_eyes Phooey. "S-sorry Sir, b-b-but you said to 'withdraw swords ninja '?", interrupted Private Sasuke. "DUDE, I DON'T CARE WHAT I SAID, JUST ATTACK!!!!!!", I shouted. scream
But the Private had no time to respond. Just then a Llama Corporal silenced him with a quick Grade F missile, blowing every brain cell from his head. Llama battles. Not pretty. "EETACK!!!!", shouted the Llama. dramallama You're probably wondering why I keep capitalizing Llama. Well, Llama stands for:
L aughing(silently in their cruel heads)
L ucky
A rmed
M ammal
A rmy
I've explained to long. They're coming. ROLL AWAY! rofl