For this drawing, my mother took me to an art museum. I had to make a drawing of a work of art i liked. I found something that seemed pretty easy by someone named Antoine-Louis Barye.
This sculpture he made was called "Greyhound and Hare". He had finished it a few years before he died. It was orginally made out Bronze with brown patina.
Oddly enough, there were about 4 other scupltures around the room by Antoine. All of them were of animals fighting in battle of some sort. The one i drew was the only one where the fight seemed to be finished. I didn't look to see when he finished the others, but my guess would be earlier in his life.
I took this picture in the art museum while working on it. Sorry about the shadow. It's almost impossible to get a picture without multiple shadows when there's a million lights over your head. I wanted to take a picture so i could remember what it looks like before i began shading.
This sculpture he made was called "Greyhound and Hare". He had finished it a few years before he died. It was orginally made out Bronze with brown patina.
Oddly enough, there were about 4 other scupltures around the room by Antoine. All of them were of animals fighting in battle of some sort. The one i drew was the only one where the fight seemed to be finished. I didn't look to see when he finished the others, but my guess would be earlier in his life.
I took this picture in the art museum while working on it. Sorry about the shadow. It's almost impossible to get a picture without multiple shadows when there's a million lights over your head. I wanted to take a picture so i could remember what it looks like before i began shading.

In this photo, i was finished with the details of the dog, and since the museum was about to close, i had to circle the light points and shade later.

Begun shading..

I was shading in the car for about an hour or so while i was waiting for my dad who was in Guitar Center. (Bah, they messed up the order for my guitar, so they gave us 50% off what we bought =D)
I'm sorry for the darkness of it. It was night, and the car light doesn't make it that bright.

And the finished product! ^_^

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