Angel ish saying:
Things Lost for Nitemare Scarf
Help? (if you want to that is)
Grunnies 3x/Phoenix Circlet/Lunar Cloak/Winged Anklets/Kitsune Mask/Ninja HB/40k
Current Quest:

-ish selling herme's moon 1st gen for questie-
Help? (if you want to that is)
Grunnies 3x/Phoenix Circlet/Lunar Cloak/Winged Anklets/Kitsune Mask/Ninja HB/40k
Current Quest:
-ish selling herme's moon 1st gen for questie-
Side Questies sweatdrop 

Thank you soooo much to these people!!
iStarry --- <3
AB 3x---O-O
Mr. Sandman_Rox U-- <3333 gonk heart