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You're a leader. You always stick up for other people and yourself, and while you do sometimes laugh at them, you find yourself wanting to help them out. People often look up to, and copy what you do. Be careful though; getting a big head will make other people not like you at ALL.
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You're dark chocolate! Solomn, mysterious, complex and moody, you are very changeable. Difficult to get to know and like, but once you've made friends, there's no doubt about you keeping them!You are proud (even spiteful!) and those who are in your favor are loved to death... you're very bitter, and hold a grudge, but forgive and forget when apologies are sincere.
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VETERINARIAN!Hmmm... Do you have an interest in being a veterinarian? Perhaps you should look into it.You understand that it's not just people who need medicinal help - our fellow creatures from hamsters to lions need our attention as well.Lions, you ask? Being a veterinarian doesn't just restrict you to tending to cats and dogs. There are veterinarians that travel and even live in places like Asia and Africa who take care of exotic creatures from tigers to sharks!It takes some effort and college (and sometimes a strong stomach) to become a veterinarian. But the payback is worth it! Not just the paychecks, either. You're doing a goodwill to creatures that some people have pushed aside.
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You are holloween! you love to scare the crap out of people ecspecialy little kids, you like all the scary spooks and all that candy waiting to be eaten, even though you might steel it from the little kid. You probibly stay up all night. you love to have fun on one of the freakiest nights of the year.
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Revenge.Someone has done something to you, and you won't let it lie. It was probably something terrible. You hold strong grudges against people and love to plan ways to get back at them. You are also quick to anger.
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You are a very unemotional person. Your calm demeanor sets you apart from everyone else, making you have a lot of enemies. Still, you are an interesting person to be around with, because you are always full of surprises.
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You're Too ShyYou need to speak out more often. You let people walk over you sometimes, and believe it or not, that can be a turn off. You're sweet and shy, but don't be afraid to make the first moves. You probably are afraid of being turned down, but how can you predict what will happen before you even try anything? Or maybe you're not sure if someone really likes you, but how will you ever know for sure? Don't doubt yourself and shoot for the moon.
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