Here beeth a portret of her ladyship Princess Amelia the Golden Hearted
of Ferdonia.
All hail Princess Amelia of Ferdonia! All must bow down to the glorious lady for she hath granted our fair Kingdom peace in time of turmoil.
She over sees all and reigns with utmost grace.
Her heart is as pure as gold and she always eats her spinach.
All hail the glorious lady who granted our fair land liberty
All her dealings are kind hearted all her intentions good
Never once has she uttered an ill word
Never cruelty be round her
Praise for heaven hath found us in her glorious golden form
Shout form the tree tops and in the gutters low
Her peace be with you always, ev'ry where you go
This is just a poem of my imaginary friend. jk I really don't know what made me think of this but I hope you enjoyed it!