The morning sun made the lake sparkle. Lacey sat under her tree and pulled the blanket closer around her while fingering the locket she had gotten on that mysterious night. She pulled it off. It was carved with such fine details. On the back was an engraving. It read 'There is a part you can't control, the two of you will make a whole'.
"Goodbye, Mrs. Tulune!" Lacey cried out as she left the bakery. She had worked long and hard today, and her face and apron was smudged with flour. The sun was starting to set, and it looked beautiful across the lake. She turned a corner to follow the path to her house, and stopped. There was a girl standing there, watching the sun sink into the horizon.
Her wavy, brown hair was hung in two pigtails, with a small curtain of hair behind them. Her purple dress was short and slim cut, with a large, tight bow in the back.
Lacey walked up to her and stood next to her. Without turning her head to acknowledge Lacey, the girl spoke. "It's so beautiful, isn't it? It makes you want to stand time still and capture it in a painting with the most detailed colors. It makes you want to melt right into it, doesn't it?" She looked at Lacey. "I'm Katrina. I prefer to be called 'Trina, though. I'm new to here. I came from the beaches. Do you know anywhere I could stay tonight?"
Lacey couldn't pull her eyes away from Trina's. There deep blue hue was so captivating. She smiled politely at Trina, and said "There is an inn farther down this street, if you have a decent amount of money. If you like, you could spend the night at my house. I have a loft you could sleep in. I don't have much, but if you want, you can stay as long as you want."
Trina was delighted. "Thank you, oh, Thank you so much! I can't tell you in words how happy that'd make me. You're very kind!"
They made their way back to Laceys house, talking and laughing and smiling the whole way. Lacey felt that this was the start of another amazing friendship.
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Current Story: Surprises (Aka: Lacey's Story)
Sorry for my supa short entries, I get writers block super fast, and I have a REALLY busy schedule right now. Please, please, please comment!!! And enjoy!
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Sora x Kairi - My twisted reality
I have a secret I'm afraid to tell. . .
. . . because I won't lose you as well.