WOAH I just watched 2 new episodes of naruto on cartoon network but at the same time i was watching shippuden episodes it was cool cause the beginnings started at the same time and ended and the had the same people in them as well it was cool, so lets see its the second beginning and 3 ending and sai is a total b***h he called naruto a useless dickless, fool, and then he called sakura and ugly b***h, so lets see I'm about to watch episode 36-37 in shippuden their about to go get info on orchimaru in the grass village, its cool sakura is a good fighter now her and so elder from the sand village killed sasori of the red sand a member of akatski. and kakashi like snapped deidara's left hand off and gaara got the other one. then elder-chiyo gave her live to bring gaara back to life it was cool whee But I don't want to spoil it all so I'm gonna end the entry right now....bye mrgreen
OMG sai is such a b***h he and naruto are fighting and he just called him a gutless little homo god he such and a** hole i just want to punch him(their may be more udates on sai after this mrgreen )
OMG SAKURA JUST APOLIGIZED FOR NARUTOS BEHAVIOR SO THAT SAI WOULD FORGIVE HIM SO HE SAID YES AND THEN SAKURA PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE AND SAID"I on the other hand don't care if u forgive me" OH whee SHES SO COOL AND HOT whee (this show keeps on getting better by the minute)
ok this is weird team kakashi stopped off at a hot spring for the night, so naruto stood up because the replacement for kakashi was freakin him out with his weird lookin eyes and suddenly sai said"oh so u really do have one" refering to naruto's d**k so honestly i think sai is the homo but anyway kakashi's replacment is getting ready to leave and naruto is going to go peek into the girls side of the hot spring and kakashi's replacement says" u know naruto their was one time jariya almost deid he had six broken ribs, both his arms were broken and, he had damage to his organs, and it was all caused by tsunade because she found him peeking into the female side of the hot spring." then he said "how do u think sakura would react to that if she found u peeking in their" (u know cause the same thing would happen to naruto probably because sakura was trained by tsunade, then naruto had a dream about what would happen and all the girls from naruto were their and stuff anf they were beating him up) (I thought this was pretty funny so i thouhgt i would add it mrgreen )
ok I'm tired of writting update so anyway sai was drawing sakura looked at him she told him he should name it and stuff and he said he didn't name it because when he thinks of a name nothing comes to mind and he doesn't feel anything and naruto said no wonder why ur such a douche, then he looked at the pic and said its nothing special and sai said "just like ur d**k"(its starteding to creep me out how much hes talking about naruto's private i think sai likes him gonk its freaky just hinkin bout it)
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