Samma had this in her journal, so I'm ganking it from her since I've always wanted to post anything and everything no one ever gave a damn about as it concerns me. Hutspah.
001) Name? Christopher Hackney
002) What Sex Are You? I have a p***s
003) Height? 5'9-10"
004) Eye color? Blue/Grey
005) Weight? Big fat-a**
006) Location? Deland, Florida
007) Where were you born? Rockledge, Florida
00 cool Do you have crush on someone? As in "It's crushing my heart with love," then yes.
009) Do you have a bf/gf? No in so many words, but let's forget about the details.
010) What are you wearing right now? Boxers and an A-shirt. Damn near naked.
011) Are you a virgin? In so many words...No.
012) Have you ever had a crush on your teachers? It was more of adoration, since I thought she was the collest thing since Sliced Jesus at the time.
013) What’s your fave kind of chip? Salt and Vinegar.
014) Do you smoke? Not a chance
015) Do you drink? Occasionally
016) Fave band? Refuse to have one.
017) Fave song? Refuse to have one.
01 cool What are your favorite colors? Black, Red, Blue, White and Silver.
019) What is your favorite animal? Dragons.
020) Do you have any birthmarks? I have a permanent hickey on my left inner thigh.
021) Have you ever gotten sick on a carnival ride? I don't go to carnivals.
022) Who are your best friends? Aside from Monica and Brittany, beats me.
023) Have you ever beat someone up? I'm a pacifist.
024) Have you ever been slapped? And beaten, and punched, and kicked, and bitten...
025) Do you get online a lot? Where do you think my home is? Downtown Interweb, fool.
026) Are you shy or outgoing? I'm shy because I hate being noticed.
027) Do you shower? Whenever I can.
02 cool Do you hate school? I love learning, but school has become more and more taxing.
029) Do you have a social life? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man...I need to breathe...
030) How easily do you trust people? I'm far too trusting because I really do believe that people are inherently good. They screw up alot, but they're inherently good people.
031) Have you ever lied to your best friends? Not that I recall, considering I don't like lying.
032) Have a secret that would surprise people? I'd surprise myself if I had a secret period.
033) Do you like to dance? I'm white...Come on now.
034) Have you ever been out of state or province? Too many times to count on my fingers and toes combined.
035) Do you like to travel? Love it. I can't wait to travel out to Los Angeles again.
036) Have you ever been suspended from school? Yup. I was keeping porn for someone and it was discoevered through a very humerous anecdote. But, that's a yarn for another day.
037) Have you ever been dumped? Nope. Strangely enough, I'm the one who does it because the women are psycho.
03 cool What’s your favorite drink? Sweet Iced Tea.
039) Do you like Snapple? Never tried the stuff.
040) Do you drink a lot of water? Not as much as one should.
041) What toothpaste do you use? Colgate and nothing but.
042) Do you have a cell phone or pager? That first thing with the buttons and the disembodied voices.
043) Do you have a curfew? I live alone, fool...So it's at 2:00 AM.
044) Are you a role model? Dear Gord, I sure hope not.
045) What name brand do you wear the most? Name...Brand?
046) What kind of jewelry do you wear? Griever necklace, Dragon ring and Dragon watch.
047) What do you have pierced? My left ear.
04 cool What do you want pierced? A stupid person's face.
049) Do you like taking pictures? Meh.
050) Do you like getting your picture taken? I prefer there not be photographic evidence of my pitiful existence, thanks.
051) Do you have a tan? I'm the whitest whitey you'll ever meet.
052) Do you get annoyed easily? My patience is greater than Buddah.
053) Have you ever started a rumor? Ru...Mor?
054) Do you have your own phone/phone line? I live in my own apartment, for Gord's sake.
055) Do you have your own pool? I ain't no Richy Rich, now.
056) Do you have any siblings? Older half-sister.
057) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Boxers or nothing.
05 cool Have you ever played D&D? IMMA CAST A SPELL!
059) What’s your fave board game? Monopoly, because that roadster's just so damn cool.
060) Do you get along with your parents? I love them to death.
061) How do you vent your anger? Internal meditation.
062) Have you ever ran away? No reason to.
063) Have you ever been fired from a job? Nope and no plans to.
064) Do you even have a job? For almost two years now. I'm a good employee.
065) Do you daydream a lot? And out loud, to boot.
066) What’s your fave fast food restaurant? Subway.
067) What do you want a tattoo of? A Dragon on my arm going to my back.
06 cool What do you have a tattoo of? My epidermis.
069) What are your favorite flowers? Nymphaeas
070) What do your ex bf/gfs look like? One very cute one, one semi dog and one <b>BOW WOW</b>.
071) Are you rude? No, but it seems that way sometimes because I speak the blunt truth.
072) What was the last compliment you got? "Your voice is amazingly sexy."
073) Do you like getting dirty? I'm a dirty boy to begin with.
074) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? It's trying to dig it's way to my stomach.
075) Are you flexible? Only my spine.
076) What is your heritage? Italian and Irish, from what I know.
077) What does your hair look like? The Sex.
07 cool Could you ever be a vegetarian? No, my IQ refuses to drop below 150, so it's impossible.
079) When was your last real heartbreak? Going on 9 or 10 months now, methinks.
080) If you had to completely dye your hair it’d be what color? Silver. Period.
081) Would you ever date someone younger than you? Done and Done.
082) Would you ever date someone older than you? Define "Older."
083) When was the last time you were drank orange soda? I think it was somewhere between Never and Then.
084) When was the last time you went on a date? A real date? Jeebus...It's been years.
085) Would you rather give or receive presents? The best gift of all is the gift of someone's smile who appreciates what you do for them.
086) What was the weirdest pet you ever had? Suicidal hamster.
087) Do you have a pet now? I'm a lonely b***h.
08 cool How many rings until you answer the phone? You mean <i>IF</i> I answer my phone.
089) Have you ever been skinny dipping? Oh boy, let me tell you...
090) Who you look more like your mother or father? Neither.
091) Do you cry a lot? I use to, but I haven't had a reason to in quite some time now.
092) Do you ever cry to get your way? Not a chance.
093) What phrase do you use most on the phone? "What in Gord's name..."
094) Are you the romantic type? You have <i>NO</i> idea...
095) Have you been chased by cops? No, they realise I was ugly from a distance.
096) What do you like most about your body? My eyes.
097) What do you like least about the opposite sex’s body? Feet.
09 cool When was the last time you threw up? Good question.
099) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? Not bald.
100) What do the shoes you last wore look like? Sexy black work boots that could stomp a serios hole in someone's a**.
101) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? I don't try to horrify people as a rule.
102) What’s your favorite shirt say? "Ninja is Japanese for SEX MACHINE." (My own design)
103) What’s your fave magazine? Anything with video games.
104) What is the color of your underwear right now? Purple-ish?
105) What theme does your room have? Drab.
106) What size shoe do you wear? Big honkin' 11s.
107) What jewelry are you wearing now? A hematite necklace Monica gave me. I never take it off. heart
10 cool What is your fave place to take a vacation? Monica's house. &3
109) How are you feeling right now? Meh, as usual.
110) When was the last time you partied? I don't party.
111) Have you ever given an animal as a gift? Not that I recall.
112) What do you sleep in? Next to nothing or nothing.
113) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? Far too many. I blame jealousy.
114) What is one of your bad qualities? My personality.
115) What is one of your good qualities? My personality.
116) Would you marry for money? <i>IN THE NAAAAAAAAAAAAME OF LOOOOOOOOOOOVE!</i>
117) What do you drive? 1996 Maroon Ford Ranger XLT
11 cool Are you more of a mama or daddy’s child? Momma's boy 4 shor.
119) Do you wear Chucks? The guy from the University?
120) For $2,000,000, would you pose for Playboy Or Playgirl? Yes, but I'd expect them to promptly take the money away once they actually saw me, so I'd be safe.
Yes or No
You keep a diary? Is this close enough?
You like to cook? Yup.
You have a secret you haven’t shared? Beats me.
You fold your underwear? Oh yeah. Mom taught her boy right.
Talk in your sleep? From what I'm told.
You set your watch a few minutes ahead? Who doesn't?
You bite your fingernails? Sadly...
You believe in love? It's what gets me through the day.
You get embarrassed? I don't care anymore since I'm somewhat of an embarassment as is.
x. Song you listened to: Bump of Chicken - <b>Harujin</b>
x. Song that was stuck in your head: Duran Duran - <b>Rio on the sand</b>
x. Song you’ve downloaded: Phantom of the Opera - <b>Music of the Night</b>
x. CD you bought: Marcel Mule - <b>Le Legendè</b>
x. CD you listened to: Avantasia - The Metal Opera
x. Person you’ve called: Monica
x. Person that’s called you: Monica
x. TV show you’ve watched: Tokusou Sentai DekaRanger
Have You Ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing? I think so, but I try to repress memories like that.
-- If so, was it mixed company? See previous and you'll understand.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated? Never even buzzed.
-- Been called a tease? Too many times to count.
-- Gotten beaten up? Ahhh, I miss Elementary through High School. biggrin
-- Been to jail? Not a chance.
The Future
-- Age you hope to be married: Near future, if I can find someone crazy enough to do so.
-- Number of Children: 1-2 if the world can handle my spawn.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Anything as long as it's with the woman I love.
-- Where you want to go to college: ALready there. Stetson University
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Professional Musician, Professional Voice Actor, Composer, Video Game Junkie and so much more.
What Do You Prefer?
-- Best eye color? Honest.
-- Best hair color? Lovely.
-- Short or long hair? Beautiful.
-- Best height? Perfect.
-- Best style of clothing? Attractive.
-- Best first date location? Meaningful.
-- First kiss location? Appropriate.
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