![User Image](https://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s77/XIXWantXRevengeXOnXYouX/My%20Chemical%20Romance/mcr10.jpg)
![User Image](https://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e248/deathXisXwhatXiXam1324/mY%20cHeMIcaL%20roManCE/0.jpg)
i just want to put those pictures no matter what...........
anyway they rock the first picture is THE BLACK PARADE and it's dead but it's still in my memory and us i guess xD..................
the second one i don't know xD it's kinda ramdom............but they are still MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.................xD
Dont piss your life away with suicide
- it's a bullshit way out
-Gerard Way