Okay, today wasn't the most exciting day of my life, maybe not even in the week, but still better to do something rather than nothing...And it may be a little long...Okay...Never mind...I lied, hehe.
Woke up at somewhere around 6:00am. Fun. I stood up straight, dazed still from my deep sleep and looked at my digital clock to see what time I had woke up. From what I saw I couldn't think straight to tell what time it was. All blurry. Huh? Something was making my mind go blank. Probably a quick shower will make me refresh my memory. I took my bed sheets off and did my morning ritual.
I brush my teeth slowly. "I wonder if today we go to P.E?" Trying to figure out my Today-At-School-Schedule, I took a quick cold shower, making myself sneeze as I got out. After my sneezing attacks were finished, I changed into my clothes, slowly. I was still dazed from this morning and wished I went back to sleep in my comfortable bed. Forcing my clothes on, I went downstairs to get me some nutritious stuffs.
I found myself the first one downstairs. I had finished packing my own lunch stuffs into my black and gray lunchbox. Yay. Now on to the hard part of the morning. Breakfast. I couldn't decide what to eat for breakfast, so I took yogurt instead. "Mmm...Great...Cold yogurt in the early morning...How facinating..." Rolling my eyes at myself, I took it outside, along with my gray short-sleeve sweater, wanting to get some fresh air. The cold wind snapped onto my wet hair and face, "Bad idea...Too windy to go out now..."
But as soon as I was about to get inside, I saw Kevin, my new neighbor, running his mile around the neighborhood. Kevin moved in a couple of months ago, and I was the first person he saw when I was walking down the local park. He was about two inches taller than me, and only a few days older too. I usually run my mile, probably even less, around the school next to my house, but for him he liked to do it in the morning. I was about to turn around and ignore him, but he saw me before I could even make my move back to the house.
"Hey Vina!" he breathed out deeply trying to decrease the racing blood in his body. I saw that his dark black-brown hair was all sorts of wet and I smiled warmly at him, "Hey Kevin doing morning runs again?" I cocked my head sideways at him as he tried to crack every single bone in his body, "Yeah...You took a shower too?" I looked confused at him and noticed that my hair was too wet from the shower that I had took earlier, "Oh...Yeah I forgot that I did...hehe..." I saw him shook his head and chuckled under his breath. I turned away from him walking, eating my strawberry yogurt, toward the concrete curb. He followed me, and we were three blocks away from my house. I still had about an hour left before my bus came, so he tried small talk to me, "So what are you up to this week?" he looked behind and glanced at me with his bright green eyes. Couldn't help but felt my face heat up, and bit my lip to stop, "Uhh...Nothing really I'd probably just be doing random stuffs...you?" I waited for him to answer, "Yeah, I'm going out of town on Wednesday 'till Friday...Think you're going to be okay with that?" I looked at him with awe, "Why ask that sort of question? Only thing I'm worried about is that Kaity and Jessica are going to stop by around here and kill me, because they want to see you." I laughed at the topic for I told that a new kid had moved in my neighborhood a few months ago, and I told my friends about him. Now Jessica and Kaity are determined to find Kevin and stalk him considering they thought he sounded "hot". Fun. He looked at me again with a curious look to me, "Huh, wonder why they say that." I rolled my eyes at him and took off into a run to my house, I waved back toward him, and I could almost swear that he was laughing at the way my face looked.
"Hey Mylan..." I called out to my younger siser. She was so small, that to some other middle-schoolers she looked like a sixth grader. But most of my friends thought she was and adorable little girl who looke just liked me, except that I was about 7 inches taller than her. She lookd at me with no interested at all, but she knew better than to have me hanging, "What?..." she pushed her glasses up closer to her eyes. "Did you do know if today is an A day or B day?" I asked her and she looked at me and answered numbly from the cold, "I don't know..." I just nodded and walked around trying to stay warm. I looked down to see if I looked okay "What the heck is wrong with me? I have a sweater that has sleeves coming all the way up to my elbows..." I thought about this for a minute to myself cursing that I should've worn a longer sweater, but then the yellow bus came speeding down toward us. I sighed heavily.
"Good morning Vina! The Earth says HELLO!" I saw Kaity walking toward me as she walked down the bus all sorts of happy which kinda scared me a little considering what she had just said about the Earth and all. Did I mentioned that she's a vegetarian? "Soo...How was your weekend?..." She was working on organizing her things while she waited for my answer. "It was fine, I had to go to something called the Megagenisis at Woodside High...They showed me stuffs about careers and stuffs like that...You?" She was excited to hear me say about her weekend, but I was so deep in thought on something else that I wasn't paying any attention to her at all. I took out the only object inside of my checkered bookbag that could play my songs. I struggled to find out how to untangled the mess. Finally as we got near school, I could see that we were almost the first ones there, "Ten more minutes 'till we get inside...Great..."
I heard the creaking sound of the bus door and imediately got my bookbag and stuffs with me out to the crisp, cold weather. I had a sweater that had sleeves going up to my elbows. What the heck is wrong with me? Into the library with Kaity behind me, I heard Jasmine calling my name. I turned around to see her walking a few meters away. I smiled and waved back, not seeming to stop and wait for her. Boy am I a welcoming friend to others. Onward to the Broadcasting Room we go then. I sat on the table waiting for someone to anchor the following news to the school this week. I mean who listens to the morning announcements in our school? No one I know for a fact. Turns out that the two people anchoring were Laurn and I. Great. I slumped onto the chair and started to practiced with Lauren.
Announcements was interesting...I got to mess up a couple of times, when I was trying to pronounce names during the announcements. But the sooner we finished, the better.
First Core. Very interesting. We had a substitute. She was the librarian of the school. Not very nice in fact. Rarely she is though. I always come in late considering that it takes at least 5mins to get to Core one from the Broadcasting Room. Always an acception to use if there's a substitute wanting a pass from me. Heh. I sat in my desk away from her but not all the way back. Turns out that I missed something, cause now a student--well make that students--were arguing with her about something, "Did I missed something Jenira?" I asked her who was sitting next to my desk. She looked at me from head to toe and thought about what she should answer. I was impatient to find what she was about to say, "Nah, not really...." I nodded a thanks to her and turned to see that she had handed me two sheets of work stuffs for me to do. Fun.
The worksheets were easy. Find the mistakes of the "essay" I have, edit the paper, rewrite it, and turn it in. Simple. But my other peers didn't think so. So many riots in the class I thought that some security officer would come in and shoot her gun onto ther roof to shut us up. But gladly, no officer came. I watch as I saw the new kid sitting two seats down making smart comments to ther sub. I just watched as the students and teacher squabble to each other. I got tired of watching, so I read my book New Moon. I was so deep into the book that I forgot about class being over. I look up at the clock and saw 9:37am on the dot, and the bell rang. Again, I gathered my belongings and went to my locker to put my stuffs away. I gleamed at myself as I saw how organized my locker was. I shook my head and look at myself in the locker mirror to see if I looked reasonable, and took off shuttng the locker hard.
I as thought, I had P.E. but it was the worst day of P.E ever...Instead of "P.E" we had Family Life classes. I just sat on the floor not wanting to go to Family Life at all...Gawd I was about to kill myself when our Coach told us to get up and walk to the classroom of doom. Jessica, Jasmine, and I were pretty much not really into learning what our bodies do...nor did I want to listen to the obnoxious teacher. Gawd. During the time she was talking about...stuffs....Jasmine and I started to pass notes to each other saying how we would kill ourselves then doing this. Sounds intreging no? Better to do something interesting then being tortured by this. By the time the clock striked 10:25am the bell rang and the little trio of us floated quickly out of the room. Not making any contact to the teacher. GLORIOUS FREEDOM HERE WE COME!
Next Photoshop class. This would probably be my most favorite class in school. Yay. The usual steps of doing but simple stuffs on Adobe Photoshop. Clone Stamping, Disolving, Skewing, Cutting, etc. We even managed to use the tablets. Grinning to myself, I drew myself a very familiar person. I turned my head to see who I had drawn. Then it hit me. It was Kevin. I laughed at myself and signed the bottom of the drawing. Jasmine saw me with interested as I drew, "Who's that Vina?" she turned toward me with earphones on, probably listening to Gorillaz. Heh. I was listening to Sum 41 and at first at had no idea what she had said. Then I saw her lips moving saying her previous question again. I shook the thought out of my mind, "Oh...Some random person I drew..." I turned to her screen, "What are you doing?" I waited as I saw that she was doing something with the Art Puns. She was making a "Serial Killer". With the Lucky Charms as her victum, which I found extremelly disturbing, and Super Man Arms holding a mythical sword in one hand. I stared at Jasmine's..."masterpiece", "What do you think Vina?" I didn't know what to say, so I shook my head, and said,"Uhh, you may want to change the cereal box, and the arms...other then that, it looks fine," I lied. After class was over, the bell rang at 11:15am ending the class. "C'ya later then Jasmine" I waved back toward her and she waved back toward Jessica and I.
I said my "C'yas" back to Jessica as we parted. Jessica to English to the pycho sub librarian, and me to Science. Joy. I took New Moon out of my locker and quietly strided to class. I said my good mornings to my teacher as usual. I looked at the classroom. The tables were set up differently today. Half of the tables were on one side and the rest, on the other. I saw some of my friends, but they were talking and gossiping about something. I didn't like that very much. Though I was friends to some of them to the table, they were too...bleh...I knew that I really didn't want to be mixed into the possy group, so I took a seat on the other side. I was more comfortable on this side. My friend Braeden was next to me, Nikkita was there, Satoshi, and Sewell. Basically I preferred this side than the others. But someone was missing. I looked around and saw that Anissa wasn't here. We were suppose to present our projects together and she wasn't here. I shrugged my shoulders as I gave up on wondering where she was and opened my book as SSR started.
I was in deep thought as I read my book. I was so into it that I couldn't felt the slight tapping on my shoulder as Braeden kept on poking me with his mechanical pencil. I stared at him wondering what could be more important than me finishing my book peacefully. "Do you have any lead for this pencil Vina?" I stared at him with no interest, and rolled my eyes. I took out my black lead pencil and took out...nothing...I chuckled slightly to myself and instead handed him my pen, "Here, use this Braeden, I ran out of lead." He smiled gratefully at me, "Thanks Vina." Just when I was about to continue on, my eyes caught a quick glance of movement as I saw my Science teacher walking heavily toward the middle of the room. Starting to announce who will be presenting projects. I sighed out my last breath of hope knowing that Anissa wouldn't be able to make it. I asked Braeden, "Hey, Braeden, do you know where Anissa is? She's suppose to be here for the presentations..." he wondered what he was going to say to me, "Uhh, no, I don't think so..."
My teacher yelled out names that weren't mine or Anissa's. I was glad and started to listen impatiently as people after people were presenting there, projects. We were suppose to research two people who had invented a invention that had effected the entire world. I couldn't find anyone interesting, so I picked out random. Turns out I clicked on a guy named Frank Epperson who invented the popsicle. Good enough for me. I grinned at myself as Anissa picked a guy, that his name escapes me, who invented the Cool Dog. Interesting. Though Anissa wasn't here to present half of our project. Great. That girl better have a good explanation as to why she isn't here.
Turned out that neither of our names were called and I was glad. I got to remember some of the most distinct inventions that were made. Like the one who invented the Microwave. Huh...Who knew that the first one ever made was taller then me? I was surprised that I actually listened. Thankfully the bell rang and it was time for me to head for the 2nd worst class in school. Geometry.
I think that the only class that we actually do work in is in Geometry class. Sheesh. I thought that the subject was only about finding areas and perimeter of shapes and stuffs. But thankfully Geometry wasn't officially my class yet. Lunch was. And I was hungry.
I waited patiently for our column to be called by our Math teacher. Unfortunatley we were called last because of Braeden's big mouth of his. I ignored it quickly and walked toward the Cafeteria. Jessica closely following behind me. She suddenly poked my side and it hurt. I grabbed my stomach area tightly around me with my arms as she glared at me. I was afraid what she was going to say to me, considering that her evil grin had pierced me through my sides even harder. "Did you get the picture of Kevin?" she asked not really concerning for my minor injury. I stared at her in disbelief, and felt a tint of red above my cheeks, "No, he was gone all last weekend, 'member? I told you that he goes away to see his mom....But I did see him this morning." I quickly walked away in case she would poke me in the rib again.
I unzipped my lunchbox revealing some nutritous stuffs i had packed this morning: Sandwich, Sprite(yay), yogurt, oreos, doritos, a few choco stuffs, and a pack of gum(winterfresh ^^). I ate them as I sat there talking to Jessica and Chelsea. After a while there was really nothing else to say.
Geometry...I have nothing to say there...All we did was did a few worksheets about stuffs and crap. Few minutes later we were partnered up. Me w/ Jessica. I had most of the brains, and Jessica had most of....well most of herself I guess. I couldn't get the formulas straight in my head. So many numbers and letters that it wasn't even funny anymore. I saw Braeden and Keith looking over both Jessica and my shoulders. They were cheating, and I poked Braeden's eye with the pencil telling him to use the book stupid. The bell rang on 2:45pm and I was glad the day was over.
Got back from school and now happily able to sleep on my comfortable bed. I slept for about 30mins...I'm not really a deep sleeper. Then I decided to finish up my homework. Yay. I finished and read about 100pgs or so in the book. Man that book is really good. I turned on my computer and typed down half of the journal. I had logged on to YahooMessenger and Jasmine and Zach were logged on. Great. I talked for about an hour with them and then somehow it got from something about monkeys to KungFu fighting to religious beliefs. I had no comment about the monky but it was interesting for the time being.
I logged out of the computer and helped my mom make dinner. Turns out we were having beef noodle soup. I love being an Asian! (couldn't help but laugh when typing) I had dinner all set and we ate like we mostly did. My dad telling something to my mom in a different language in which I understood, most of the times. And Mylan and I to our own thoughts about today. My 3rd youngest sister was only about 6yrs old. She lost all of her cuteness at the age of five. Oh joy. She sat there awing at me and Mylan not know what the heck we were talking about. I grinned evilly at her. And finished my bowl. Cleaning up my space, and asked if I could go outside.
I was in capris and and a white shirt when I got outside. I had changed after I came back from school. The bleh-ness of the simple black pants and dark blue shirt. Luckily shirt from Aero. pants from Khol's. So not really a uniform way, but still acceptable for school code at least. I jogged around the school about 5 times guessing that it was a mile already, and walked to the park where I needed to catch my breath. My sides were hurting, maybe I should've waited 'till the stuffs in my stomach were at least digesting(*chuckles to self*) and I should've brought my water bottle. Smart Vina. I took out my iPod and looked to see what time it was, 7:25pm. Yay. My time limit for staying outside was only till 8:00pm. Still got at least 40minutes left. Sweet. I looked around to see my surroundings, and I saw a figure coming toward me. Guess who? Kevin and Kyle. Oh joy. Kyle was only like about 15 1/2 years old. He was also the many others in my neighborhood who found Kevin to be new her.
I swayed my legs back and forth over the monkey bars and saw Kevin coming nearer, Kyle keeping his distant. I smiled at both, more to Kevin less to Kyle. Kyle took the chance and took my shoe from me. Super great. Now I have one Van shoe on, and my other one was being hostage by none other by Kyle. I scowled at him and flipped back down to the ground from the monkey bar, "Kyle! Shoe! NOW!" He playfully ran around the park and hid my shoe at the highest top of the park. Kevin saw this and I could see a small smile coming fromt the edges of this lips. I took off my other shoe, since I couldn't run around with me lopping on one side, and ran toward Kyle. He was fast, but I was faster. He tried to lose me by twisting and turning, but I jumped foward just in time, and grabbed my shoe away from him. Sneering at him with victory I put on my shoe, and grabbed the other that was on the ground.
I turned suddenly when Kevin clapped for me, "Bravo Vina. You managed to outwit the evil and victoriously recaptured your precious shoe. I must say I did an outstanding job!" He was still clapping and I was done putting my shoe on, "No thanks from you, Sherlock." I glared at him. He was still laughing quietly to himself. I looked at my watch and it said: 7:30. Oh joy. "It was like talki--" just then his cell rang. I thought it was a miracle. "Uh-huh....fine....alright...cya..." he clicked the cell off and walked off. "Little Kyle passed his bed time already?" I laughed as I said. Unfortunatley he found it amusing that I said that.
"Well that planned better then I expected." I said. I turned around toward Kevin. He just stared at my backpack. Rarely I got to see him much on weeks like these. I remembered that I had my camera in my backpack(this time a smaller one) and took it out slowly. Obiously Kevin didn't like to be taken pictures of him, so it was very hard to take one. Hopefully this time I can, so I can show it to Jessica and Kaity and make them stop threatnining me. I quickly said, "HEY LOOK KEVIN! SQUIRREL!" Surprisingly he looked and I took a quick snap of Kevin's side of the face. I stood there victorious. But the flash was on and Kevin saw. His eyes glaring at me. I knew quickly I had to act fast.
"..Hehe..Hi Kevin!" I smiled sarcastically and quickly stuffed it through my bag. Safely securing it, I threw it across my back. He step toward me. I stepped back. Then...BAM! I took off. I guess you could say that me and him were "almost" evenally matched. But I was quicker with my turns and he was a bit slower. His speed a bit faster. So I guess you could say that the pieces were evenly match and were ready to play.
I had lost Kevin because I knew the neighborhood better and I grinned at myself. I was so happy that I got a snap of him. Think I'm a stalker? Not really. I only did it for the sake of my flat ribs being poked out. I had hid behind a bush and was so close to my house that I thought that I was about to leap foward and grab the knob and turn it open. But to think about it, I was only about 5 blocks away. I breathed in and out through my nose. I could taste the iron in my throat and savor the taste. Vampire-ish now huh? I looked around to see if he was still there. No sight of him. I got out of my hiding spot and looked around...No one.
One more look to my right...and then left. I ran straight on foward but not as fast as last time. Jogging if you might say. But I run fast, depending what shoes I wear. Not the right kind of shoes right now. Vans are so lame in these situations huh? I was about to hit 4 blocks when I saw him popping out of nowhere behind a car, and behind me. I sensed it, but was too late. He grabbed my waist and grabbed my arms back behind me. I was about to bite his hands, when he dragged me to an enclosed fenced. He was stronger than he looked. He forced me down to the ground and did two things. First he took off the bag behind my back, and second he held me against the ground with his whole back against mine pushing down toward the ground. I was stuck for real and I couldn't get him off of my back. Plus he found the camera and deleted the picture of him staring stupidly off to the imaginary "squirrel".
"Get off of me Kevin! Damn you!" I saw him grinned evilly at me, and pulled his body off of me. I just sat there, helplessy numb. Mostly from the leg up to my stomach. I got up and looked at him sneering victorious at me. He held out the camera and I saw that he took the picture off. He turned it back around and took one of me, "Smile Vina!" and it flashed. I ignored it and snatched the camera away from him. And then I looked down to my bag and placed the camera into its safely neated little pocket-holder-thingy. I got back up and was ticked off, but he found it amusing, that he won...again. He walked toward me and I tried to stay eye-level with him, no use trying 2 inches taller than me. He smiled and tapped my head, "In a way, you're just a weakling, just like Kyle." I pulled my lower eyelid at him, "Same as to you, you're the one who can't smile to the camera."
He laughed and smiled sarcasticaly, "There? Better?" I smiled back sarcastically, "Ecstatic...now, my personal space is needed here..." I saw that he was about five inches away from me, his hand still on my head. I took it off and looked at my iPod/Clock-majig: 7:50pm. "Huh...still have time..." I could tell Kevin looked over my shoulder to see the time as well. "Alright then, I'll see you later then Kevin." He smiled again, this time it was so adorable that I couldn't help but resist flushing again, "I'll see you later then Vina." He walked off and I took the other way walking onto my usual path back home. I heard him laugh when I saw him turn around the corner of his street.
I came back home, nothing really happened. My mom and dad looking at me curious, but ignored me, focusing on the my new sister. I took a quick shower, and changed into my long black pants that went down to my ankles and a baggy gray shirt that has a happy face on the back and says, "BE HAPPY". I love that shirt. Too bad it's too baggy to wear it outside sometimes. Fun? I sat comfortably on my bed as I read New Moon. I had finished all 580-something pages on one day. Wow...Today I got to read my book for once. Intreging. I soon as I was done with my book, I got tired I typed the rest of what had happened today. I am now finished and right now it's...12:35am...Wow...been on for a while now xD
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