Gaia name: Galaxy Girl
Name: Amaya
Zampoktou Name: Roozu
Uses wind manipulation and rose petals (still under developement of conciseness sweatdrop )
Age: 18
Bio: Upon arriving in the soul society after her death, Amaya remembers nothing about her life...who she is or where she came from. However as of late, she's been having terrible dreams and sudden flashbacks about her past and is coming to realize that it's one of tragedy and not worth remembering.
She can briefly remember a little sister, Natalia, with long blonde hair and green green eyes that match Amaya's. However Amaya is uncertain of her little sister's fate up to this point.
Personality: Amaya is generally mild tempered, slightly sarcastic and feels the great need to be doing something at all times perhaps due to some mild OCD habbits
Ablities/Skills: Bankai, telepathy, wind manipulation and extreme speed (flash steps)
Amaya is a Bene Gesserit, meaning she can control all of her bodies functions, including temperature and blood flow. She can even slow her heart down or speed it up to accomodate situations
(Riped from Dune I know...but it's awesome.)
Other: Sixth division captain
Amaya is also the keeper of the Seiretei library and will kill anyone who comes and makes mischief there.
Amaya is also with Dark both in the roleplay and in real life, just fyi...clear some things up. lol
Kisa is Amaya's pet kitten who stays in the library most of the time.
Vanity plays a role in Amaya's existence as she makes clothing items for stress relief, all of which make up her enormous wardrobe. She also draws/paints on what little free time she has away from the library
Appearance: Amaya is a little below average as far as an eighteen year old goes in appearance. At 5'4" weighing 107 pounds, she very skinny but not to be underestimated. She has long silver hair, worn down her back with bangs just touching her eyelashes. Her green eyes say everything about the mood she's in, and the way she glides and the way she is often dressed elegantly says a lot about her mannerism. She is also usually found with a kitten she calls Kisa, and a rose either in hand or woven into her long hair.
((Possibly more on the way!))
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Amaya's work log
This is where I'll be keeping track of my work that goes toward our Bleach Role Play, including updates on how guild funds are going, along with brainstorming ideas. If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them here in a comment. Thanks~
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Squad 6 Captain