It seems it's a scary day when someone you know irl gets hacked
She didn't seem to surprised but at the same time she was worryed about them getting more then just a few vurtial items
I had pm her (who was really the basterd) an at first thought she was jokeing around.
I look at my account and think "ya their just items but I paid real money for a lot of them"
stare now I'm really bugged (I have faith in the power of my pw) but after getting all that 5g items it looks like I have way to many outfit xd I feel like cleaning it out. But one can't help worring for their mule emo Items can be re-bought but a cute/fun/fav mule can never be replaced
the... basterd (I refuse to call these 'people' hackers becuase I like hackers... the good ones who get me music I mean blaugh ) I think, tried, maybe, to make it sound like I'm next
pirate "woo ga booga"
sorry if I sound cocky but I've seen people hacked before and let's just say I know I'm not what the basterds are looking for.
talk2hand sorry shaddy man in the van. But this little girl can buy her own candy.
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