she....shes was taken away! by her grandparents and dad.... they took her when she was 6 years old... because of our living conditions... they tried to take me too but well they gave up on me.... in just a half sister... last time i saw her was on her bday last year in september! we went to her b day party and she was so happy, if you would have saw her face you would have cryed tears of happyness, then when we had to go and she started to cry.... badly.... well 2 weeks later we got a letter in the mail saying we cant see her anymore because they dont like to see her that sad and depressed!!!!. shes only 8 years old!!!! shes doeant need that kind of depression!!!!! and i finaly got to talk to her a few weeks ago on the phone.... but it was behind her grandperents backs..... i miss her soo much!!!! i cant take it anymore!!!! and thats just some of my life!!!! it gets much worse..... but thats when it all started.....