From Past to Future (5) - Character Focus (Hika, Fuji)
[[Inspired by a roleplay. ]]
Pale purple eyes opened up to a world of dull white, the flat desolate field stretching through all eternity. Hika felt warmth as his cheek rested on a soft dark fabric, the slight warmth beckoning him to return back to sleep once more. And then he realized whose lap he was sleeping on. With a squeak, Hika stepped back from Fuji who was still sleeping despite the jostle.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!... I didn't mean to sleep on you, Fujitaki-san." His head went down as he bowed profusely, the white shiny bangs of hair bouncing up and down with everyone
Hika lightly rubbed his forehead, an index and middle finger poking him in the middle of that spot. A sleepy feminine mumble could be heard as the girl tipped over from her seated position and started to lie on her side.
" to stop..."
Silence ensued before being replaced with the light sound of deep breathing, a sign of sleep.
"And here I'm telling you that it's abnormal for a kid like you to be cooped up in this tavern." The black-robed Fujitaki simply held her head, the appearance of a headache soon to arrive.
"But..." Nervously, Hika glanced over towards the outside, the lake reflecting the image of a bright sun in the waters.
Quickly, Fuji said, "No buts! We're going! Go and get changed. Something normal!" This was her chance now that Tetsuia was peddling sake to some of the local markets. He might want Hika to stay inside all day and keep him protected, but, to her, it was a travesty for a child to simply stay inside and learn religion.
Even she wasn't a priestess her entire life.
Sighing, Hika knew that he wasn't going to win this argument without Tetsuia around. ...