Calling all dream interpreters. |
Yes, if you check LJ often, then you may ignore this. But I figured I'd post this dream in both journals, just to increase my chances of it being evaluated all good.
I was in first period at school and I skipped with Kev L, Dot, Fabian, Chanel, Kendra, Scott and Rach. Was suddenly at this place with many trees and it was all grassy and there was a cliff-type thing with three dirt paths down it. We were hanging out on a whark by the ocean. Asked to go on an adventure, signed papers some papers. One said that we had to sign it due to the adventure containing mild drug referances. We signed and leaped off the wharf into the water (which was suddenly very high out of the water). We were swimming in a circle and there was a wierd glowy light, and we were assigned posts. I remember being assigned the red page place. Someone else had the same thing as me, I don't remember who, it was very Final Fantasy-esque, the characters. We were moving through this place, I was very small and that meant I couldn't be hit by the really large animals. I ran around trying to beat the enemies that were the same size/smaller than I was. If I hit the large monsters, it did nothing.
We were all suddenly back at school, except we were in this side hallway (which doesn't exist in the school) and were moving back and forth between two rooms in it. We found a door to outside and saw some kids playing, which we assumed meant it was lunch period and we hadn't missed much school. Went back throught the door, except now it led to the gym. The gym was lined with lockers, though. The clock on the wall said it was 5 minutes to 13. This apparently meant that school was over for the day and we'd managed to skip the whole day. There was a stab of anxiety that the school would call my house to say that I'd skipped. Went to the bandroom. Mr. Bateman was standing there holding the door open. A lady I don't recognize was running in and out of the room carying styrofoam cups and plates. She had curly hair and was wearing a red sweater. Kendra thinks that means there's a party and gets all panicky because she didn't bring anything. I tried talking to Mr. Bateman, he started to explain, but that lady jumped in and explained that the party was mainly for the choi and that there was pop, candy and apple pie. I told Knedra that the party was for the choir. She seemed releived. Chanel was nowhere to be seen after this. We went to the atrium, except it looked like the hallway of Penhorn Mall (mall I used to go to in Nova Scotia) when it's set up for the flea market. Sat down with Rachel and was looking around, Kendra ran off somewhere.
Kev and Fabian came up saying everyone was gong to Kev's house. I said cool and ran off to find Kendra so that she could come to. Suddnely at Kev's, except it looked more like Sam's dad's living room. Hang out watching TV, I tihnk. I kept having a naggin feeling that the school called my house. I somehow managed to see ym answering machine and that there was a new message on it. This huge clock on the wall kept reminding me what time it was and that Dad was sure to be home by now. I called home to get my dad to come get me, so that I could erase the message, because my dad never checks messages. Dad seemed quite happy over the phone for some reason, which I noted as being odd because I'd gone off somewhere without telling him where I was. I has to get my coat for some reason, even though I don't recall having one. I went to Kev's kitchen (which looked a lot like mine except that the cupboards were all dark green) and got a glass from the botton kitchen cupboard. Kendra and Effi were standing there having a conversation while eating bowls of Kraft Dinner. I raced out of the house with a trenchcoat.
I woke up.
Have Fun.
[Tetris.Ninja] · Sun Jul 24, 2005 @ 11:47pm · 0 Comments |