Name: Damon
Age: 19
Race: day walker vampire
Likes: To flirt, do what he isn't suppose to, listen to music, some animals
Dislikes: anyone who trys to stop him from being himself, people that are just to darn happy, bugs,

Height: 6'0
Weight: 140
Bio: He came from a family who had spoiled him and didn't like to discipline. So when he went out in the real world for him it was a smack in the face. He didn't let all the bad things bring him down though. He made friends and had girlfriends just like most people. He didn't believe in vampires until he thought he had found the girl of his dreams. He found out that vampires where real the hard way when one night she bit him.
Charecter Name: Afon
Age: 17
Gender: male
Race: demon
Wepons/Powers: he usues his blood as a weapon.
Sexuality: straight
Personality: he can sometimes be bossy and to some people maybe even mean. He wil not trust many people and is pretty spoiled. But inside he is sweet. Hes like a puppy at heart. But of course he doesn’t like to show it thinking it will be a sign of weekness.
Kingdom: dark kingdom
Short Bio/History: He was of course born into royalty. He never asked for it. He would have much rather been anyone else. He doesn’t get along with his father and in the past they have had many problems. Usually ending in violence and with Afon beaten. He never chose who he got to marry seeing it was an arrange marriage which angered him. He has of course had many crushes in his life time but his father never approved seeing they were never from loyalty or in a high class. Afon was walking in the courtyard at night when he saw someone. And that is all he remembered. He is now stuck in the twilight kingdom.
Appearance:human demon (on far left)
Charecter Name: Rush
Age: 17
Race: demon
Wepons/Powers: He usues a scythe
Personality: He is never really to serous unless need be. He tries to be kind even if it doesn't appera so. And sometimes he doesn't think things through which gets him in trouble.
Short Bio/History: Rush grew up with his older brother. He never really knew his parents. Seeing that his brother wasn't really ready to take care of a younger person he was kind of spoiled. Besides his brother he has only loved one other person but that person is no longer with him. Every now and then though he gets notes from his parents checking up on him but evey time after he finish's reading it he rips it to shreds. He is usually never angry unless his parents write to him pretending that they care.
Appearance: Rushern (human) Rushern (demon)
Charecter Name: Rush
Age: 17
Race: demon
Wepons/Powers: He usues a scythe
Personality: He is never really to serous unless need be. He tries to be kind even if it doesn't appera so. And sometimes he doesn't think things through which gets him in trouble.
Short Bio/History: Rush grew up with his older brother. He never really knew his parents. Seeing that his brother wasn't really ready to take care of a younger person he was kind of spoiled. Besides his brother he has only loved one other person but that person is no longer with him. Every now and then though he gets notes from his parents checking up on him but evey time after he finish's reading it he rips it to shreds. He is usually never angry unless his parents write to him pretending that they care.
Appearance: Rushern (human) Rushern (demon)
Username: IM FLAMBLE
Character name: Alastor- alais is Rushern
Age: 16
Bio: He is one of the demons who came here. He seems to be kind to those who seem to be no threat to their plans even though he can have a temper. He came here under request. His friends pushed him to the task so that all of the underworlds dream would be true. He came here to help find a place to have the door between the two worlds. Him and Proserpine had come to like the Somerset High school basement. Now he lives here in a apartment with Proserpine so that no one will question much about where they live and with who.
Crush: No one yet
Other: He does have powers but no one in the human world knows what they are….yet.
Character name: Quincey
Age: 17
Bio: He is was adopted at age 5 by his aunt when his parents died in a car acrrident. He is usually cheerful but has a temper. Sometimes when he gets in trouble his aunt tells people it was just because he had been through things and is trying to get attention. Which he isn't. He is just not very well behaved. He also doesn't make friends easily but that is most the time his fault cause he push's them away.
Crush: none as of now
Other: he isn't very stong

Character name: Damon
Age: (17
Bio: Damon isn't actually your nice shy type of person. Usually he is quite the opposite. He lives with his father in there huge house. He has everything he ever wanted. But that doesn't fix that he his lonely. Even though he knws he is he doesn't let many people get close to him. He has a juvenile record for some petty crimes such as vandilizing. SO basically he spoiled, has an attitude sometimes, but want love. Kind of a difficult person hh.
Crush: (you don't have to have one in the beggining)
Other: he has to wear glasses but usually doens't thinking it makes him look dorky.

Gaia Username: IM FLAMABLE
Rp character name: Damon
Age: 17
Race: loup garoux
Power (if any): he can basically turn to a wolf at will.
Personality: He is a trouble maker. He does have an attitude sometimes and has a slight temper but is like a puppy at heart. But of course he wouldn't show that to just anyone.
Bio: He was forced into a new school and to live in a new house. His parents traveled so much and thought he needed his education so they sent him to his aunts house with her boyfriend. He doesn't like her boyfriend at all. He just seemed to good to be true in his eyes. To make him feel welcome and not as lonely his aunt got him a black ferret who name is midnight.
Other: he doesn't like to show what he truely is. He thinks someone will treat him differntly if they knew he could turn into a wolf. Besides him his father is the only one in the family that is a loup garoux so he was told to stay human at certain times and that he could turn intoo a wolf only when no one was looking.
Rp character name: Damon
Age: 17
Race: loup garoux
Power (if any): he can basically turn to a wolf at will.
Personality: He is a trouble maker. He does have an attitude sometimes and has a slight temper but is like a puppy at heart. But of course he wouldn't show that to just anyone.
Bio: He was forced into a new school and to live in a new house. His parents traveled so much and thought he needed his education so they sent him to his aunts house with her boyfriend. He doesn't like her boyfriend at all. He just seemed to good to be true in his eyes. To make him feel welcome and not as lonely his aunt got him a black ferret who name is midnight.
Other: he doesn't like to show what he truely is. He thinks someone will treat him differntly if they knew he could turn into a wolf. Besides him his father is the only one in the family that is a loup garoux so he was told to stay human at certain times and that he could turn intoo a wolf only when no one was looking.

Name : Rayne Gennojo
Age: 18
Bio/personality: Her father was a knight of the seal and she followed in his footsteps only to leave it when her best friend died in battle. When she heard of what the knights were doing and about Nowe and Mannah she decided to help them in any way she could. Even though they never truelly met her. When she does show up she always has something with a hood on it so no one can see her face. Certainly if she goes against the knights. She has lost the snese of touch. Some people may not think that is a big deal but to her it is. She was the happiest person when she could feel someone was there but now if you where to give her a hug she wouldn't know unless you said something. It is also sometimes a problem in battle.
Her dragon watches over her for her own reasons. She may not seem to be very nice and doesn't seem to like you at first. Well thats most likely because she doesn't. She doesn't trust many humans and to her it was just fate that she het Rayne. When Raynes father died she was the one to keep her safe and in return Rayne defened her as well. Neither of them tells anyone how they met or why they made a pact.
Weapon/magic: she has a sythe. she usually uses dark magic if needed.

(usually has a long black hooded coat on)
Are you part of Knights of the seal? ex-knight
other: she has a dragon Mastena .
Pact Price- the sense of touch.
Pact mark- It goes straight down her back.

Name : Clemens
Bio/personality: Clemens has lived in the same town for all his life. He owns his own shop which had been passed down through his family for generations. He doesn't exactly enjoy it though. He sticks up for the weaker and younger. He met Rayne not to long ago after a battle she had with the knights. He took care of her for a while and he keeps his house open to her at all times for when she helped him when he was trying to revolt against the knights.
Weapon/magic: Sickle and chain. he knows very little magic. But does know how to do cure. The sickle and chain was one of the first wepons he had ever made.
Apperance:He is pretty tall with long red hair that goes down to his mid back. He has weird dark green eyes and usually doesn't have very expensive clothing on. He has no armor for battle. He does have a long coat similar to Raynes but his has not hood. But under the coat he has a plack vest that is always zippened up.He usually has long black pants on with a long sleeve dark red shirt. He has heavy boots on most the time which are very, very dark red.

Are you part of Knights of the seal? no, he doesn't like the knights.
other: he is the only one who knows about Rayne's pact and isn't planning on telling anyone without her permision.
Name: People used to call him Spike, but his real name is Rushern.
Age: looks around 17-18 but is actually 225
Race: Vampire
Biography: When he was turned into a vampire he thought he had lost all of his friends and family. But he didn't. Even though his family rejected him one of his friends didn't. This wasn't only his friend but the person he loved dearly. When she couldn't help it anymore she asked him to bite her and he couldn't refuse. He wanted her to be with him forever . When she was a vampire they both where happy until she was killed by her own father. All he could do was run. During the time of running he had done something to cause some memory loss. And he forgot how that even happened so when he met Dante for the first time he had gained a new name til he found out his.
Name: Alastor
Age: 300, but looks around 19-20
Race: Vampire
Biography: was bitten in his 1st college year and wandered here after he found out what he was. He was the first one to be "adopted by the boss. He is like the son that the boss never had.
Name: Dante
Age: 220, looks around 21-22
Race: Vampire
Biography: Dante was always usually layed back. But when you bugged him you would know if he was playing or serious. He found the boy who didn't know his name. He asked and tied to help him find out his name but he had totally forgot it. So he named him Spike. Really the only wat he got that idea was cause he was wearing something like a spike collar at the time. He was the one out of those two to find the mansion.
Sexuaility: Straight
Name: known as Zero.
Age: ?
Race: Vampire
Biography: No one knows much about him. He is usually travelling with Gwen though. He is kind of sweet and thoughtful, even though it doesn't appear so most of the time.
Sexuaility: Straight
"]Gaia name: IM FLAMABLE
Character name: Afon Harker
Gender: male
Age: 19
Race: he is human but has a pct with the reaper.
Biography: He like many others was dared to go into the mansion and of course went to prove he wasn't afraid. No one was surprised because of his intrest in things like haunted house and ghosts, ect. He found the mirror and took a liking to it. He walked up to touch it where he found out it was a portal. When he woke up in the world. He had only been there for about two weeks when he made a pact with the reaper so he could stay alive because he had grown very ill. With that pact he can no longer die unless the reaper is slain. No one knows what his price for the pact was.
Personality: He is usually nice to those who treat him with some respect. He does have a temper which he does let get the best of him at times. He is usually shy around girls.
Sexual Attraction: straight
Pets: none
Weapon: scythe
{I wanted to make another character ^^ }

The Absolute Basics
My momma named me: -Damon Harker-
But around town I'm: - Damon-
I keep lying about this number: -20-
The world was more populated on: -Summer one-
It's what's on the inside that counts
Get to know people, especially me: -Damon is usually a lovable guy unless you get on his bad side. Which usually is difficult. He likes to see the good side of things and also loves to tease people. Certainly hisyounger brother Afon. He likes to mess around with him and joke but even when he being so annoying Afon pretty much wants to throw his moff a cliff he can't hate him. He use to be very lonely until he was adopted and now not wanting that anymore he loves to spend time and meet people any time he can-
But beware of the life story: -Damon's mother was very young when she had him and like many teenage mothers she gave him up. Of course he was lonely and wanted someone to love him but he didn't blame his sadness and lonliness on anyone but himself. Or his mother. He had made up his mind that if she didn't ant him he didn't want her. He was a very mischevous child and loved to get in trouble. It wasn't unil he was about five or six until he got adopted by the Harkers who already had a little boy. He was only about a years younger and his name was Afon.
Afon and Damon rew close really fast and they always had eachothers backs. But lie most siblings they had their fights and rivalries. While Afon didn't have very many friends Damon was surrounded by them. They both participated in most of the same things but for some reason everyone noticed Damon more than Afon. Not he has come to Starfall valley to surprise his little brother with his move. He was planning to move there about the same time but he wanted his to be a surprise, which it was also for their parents who he had forgotten to tell....-
My life is completed by these: -loves/likes, at least five-
The world crashes around these: -hates/dislikes, at least five-
And I just want to faint: -fears, one or two-
The Random Details
Day by Day I get money from this: -Miner-
My closest friend(s): -He has a white cat named Ivory-
You make me blush: -Its a secret-
Don't look over there!: -Underneath my matress-
The string puller: -IM FLAMABLE-
Community Member
lot of time huh?
Ride to die and Live to Ride