time for some payback
days after the escape i go back to my house and get all of the weapons i could find...this is neo's day to die...and also to stop his plan to make these horrable g-bots. after my equipment check was done i went stright to the base and find the same pile of leaves. i jumped down and while i was falling i found out that there was no trampoline or pillow or nothing!!! and out of nowhere shojo crawled down to my foot and took out some kind of flame thrower thing (wow shojo is starting to get alittle bit cooler with his little flame thrower) and shot down. and believe it or not but i was decending down slower and slower untill i hit the ground (safely). suddenly, g-bots came out of the walls shooting at me (yes..."out of the walls" wink . i pushed a button on my wrist and out of nowhere time stopped. i shot at each of the g-bots and they all exploded. i ran across the hall and found a huge bomb...and neo! i hid behind a few boxes of turned off g-bots and over hear him saying "if the g-bot attack dosen't work then i will use this bomb to destroy barton town". and out of nowhere someone else came out. it was a neo clone and the real neo left. i guess i have to stop this bomb or...blow this place to pieces. heh its time to stop all of this and destroy his base...hopefully with him inside. i run up and punched the neo clone, but strangly it didnt budge. the neo clone punches me in the stomache and i fall to the ground. "wtf?" i said, then the clone picks me up and throws me across the room. i hit the wall and my whole body shocked in pain. i tried to get back up but the clone kicks me in the ribs and i fall back down. i start to think that this is the end when shojo comes out of nowhere and burns the clone alive with the flame thrower. i thank the little coon and activate the bomb for *5 minutes*.as soon as i started the bomb i sprinted out of there but forgot that shojo was still there running after me. i turn around and put him on my shoulder and run again (lol). i find a ladder and climb half way to find a spider-bot crawling down and it jumps right on me! i fall to the ground and my back was in serious pain. the bot was right on top of me now and i take out my SMD, throw it to the wall, and shoot it multiple times. then i turn around and start to climb all the way to the top. as soon as i was at the top and 5 feet away from the hole i hear a *BOOM* and a green flame comes out of the hole. some of the gaians screamed and ran but i wasn't scared cause i knew that was gonna happen (xD). so i walked home and needed some rest so i slept hoping that all of this action would end and that neo was still in the base....but i was wrong....