I've been having weird dreams lately. O_o; Some of them are really scary, some freaky, and some... just... pointless.
Last night. I had three dreams.
See, we just got our new car last night. It's an SUV. Last night, I dreamt that I was in the passenger seat, my mom was driving, and Zak and Xavier were in the back. It was a surprise for me, 'cause ever time I offered Zak a ride from the pool or something, he would always refuse. And now that he was IN my car, he was actually talking casually. It was wierd. We were just talking, and it was hunky-dory, and then I woke up. O_o;
Another one. It was... like... kind about mutants. I can't even describe it. It was kinda disturbing.
And the other one... Well, there were two incidents in different places, so I guess you could say I had four dreams. It was about my old friend, Charlie. He's cool. But anyway, he moved a while back. And I dreamt he came and visited me. He was, like, taller than me. O_o; He's a year younger than me. It was funny, though, 'cause I was talking with him this whole time and then we both stand up, and I start walking away to grab something real quick, and then it hits me hard, 'WOAH! He's taller than me!' And that's the end of that one.
The other one... It's, like... I was talking to someone who was going to be my new teacher, or something. She was listing off people who were going to be in my class. "And you'll be happy to know--!" And then she told me that Jordan was going to be in my class. She said her last name, too. Jordan was my BEST friend when I lived in Texas. And Channing. But right now, we're talking about Jordan. I acted all excited and everything. Only when I woke up did I realize she got the last name wrong. It's REALLY wierd.
Mm'kay, that's it. I don't want to go over what happened yesterday. Tiring, much. Sorry.
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 06:35pm · 16 Comments |