Misty's sick. D: Mah puppeh. She's been eating that food that the stores just recalled for like... a really long time now... and she's been having stomach problems since she started eating it. :/ And it said in the paper that some pets have died from it... ._____.;; ... so I'm worried. D; And to top that, I've got even more to worry about. <3 Joy. Like tons of homework, a really sucky school, crazy parents, crazy grandparents, trying to conquer what I don't like about myself, etc. Other than that, though... life still pretty much sucks. XD <3 Oh well. Maybe I'll meet more insane people sooner or later. Jessie seemed pretty cool. For those of you who don't know who Jessie is... Okay, my mom has a friend named Jessica who she's been best friends with since 6th grade, and Jessica has a boyfriend named Chip, who I actually kinda don't like, and Chip has a son named Jessie. :3 He's sixteen I think, and he skates and is pretty cool. His room was like spotless though. o_o; It scared me. What sane teenaged boy has a clean room? The world may never know... And then there's Erin... she's okay, but she can be kinda mean. :/ Fortunately she's never been mean to me[I would be mean right back], and we get along really well, and she's the only remotely punky person at my school... XD... so I figured we'd get along. Erin even knows who Jessie is! :O So maybe I'll get along with their crows... Ah, but then there's Brooke. Brooke is my mom's friend, April's, daughter. She's a year older than me, and we've always gotten along, and have always been friends. :3 We've got baby pictures of us together. XD Thing is, I haven't seen her in like... years... and I know she's not preppy and from what I know is even kinda punky, which is a relief, but I just hope we get along. I haven't even seen her since I've been here, but I hope we get along again. Her friends seemed alright too... -snooped on Myspace a little...- XD
And the guys in my class... are jerks. :/ Seriously. Well, mostly. There's Cameron, Taylor, Davion, Alec, and Ander- Davion and Alec I don't really converse with, but they actually seem to have a conscience. Ander I've actually talked to a little, not much, but from what I can tell he's not really that bigheaded. :3 He's actually really quiet most of the time. My first few days all I got from him were quiet stares, XD, but one time I randomly talked to him and now every once in a while we'll exchange words. Cameron and Taylor, on the other hand, are a little different. They're the "heart-throbs" of the class, -rolls eyes-, but they're both pretty, so I can understand it. Most people say Taylor is a lot more annoying and that Cameron is the sweet one, and even though Taylor is a lot more hyperactive and crazy most of the time, I think Taylor is numerous levels above Cameron. Cam is just... mean. Sometimes. Well, a lot of the time- to people he picks on. I wouldn't be so a**l about it if that wasn't all that often, but it is. Even though Taylor helps out a lot sometimes, he's a gentleman more often than naught. He holds the door for people, says 'yes ma'am' to the teacher, lets ladies go ahead of him[I've been on the receiving end of that one and the first one], and he just knows when to be polite. Cameron, on the other hand, just seems like he could care less. Not that boys this age are supposed to be as aware as that, but I've had to stand up to Cameron for being an a*****e numerous times, and because I'm the only one who /will/ stand up to him, he gets all bent outta shape about it. Which is stupid, in my opinion. Taylor, on the other hand, because most people think he's annoying a lot, has people telling him to shut up all the time, so when I had to stand up to him- which only happened once- he took it really well and it turned into a joke, and he backed off from whoever he was picking on. It almost seems like he's careful about what he says to me now. XD; And the girls... sometimes are just as bad. :/ There's Erin, Alexis, Chudier[choo-dee-air XD], Jennifer, Ellen, and Britney. Erin, Alexis, and Chudier are a trio, almost like a popular trio, XD, and Jennifer and Ellen are friends, and Jennifer and Britney are friends. I'm friends with all of them. XD My first few days I hung out with with EAC[ErinAlexisChudier- it's what I call them XD], but after that I started becoming sorta friends with Ellen and now I normally hang around with that crowd, but I get along with everyone just the same. The EJB are the ones who normally get picked on. :/ I think people know not to pick on me... XD... cos I'd totally skin their asses if they did. That and only the boys would have a reason to, cos I get along with the girls... Taylor and Cameron attempted to make fun of me one time, but it /was/ kind of hurtful and they didn't mean for me to overhear, and so I just gave them a dirty look and walked to class. >>;
Ugh but wow. XD This is a long entry already... so... there's my class for you. : P ><; Just thought I'd update..
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 03:00am · 1 Comments |