My RP Characters heart this means I really want to do the starter. 1.)Name:Miki Age:18 Race:human, Sage

She walks through the snow onto a mountain that had furious winds and blinding snow almost a blizzard. She was in search of some sort of evil that had destroyed her village and wasn't exactly sure what it was she was looking for but she could feel its evil. It always seemed to be her job to get rid of the evil that plagued her town and others. It was getting colder as she walked farther up the mountain towards the strong evil. She was beginning to go numb all over and started looking for a cave to take shelter in with very little luck. She couldn't find one and was climbing higher and higher up the mountain. She had no where else to go unless she gave up and that wasn't happening. Then suddenly she collapsed from the cold just as she found the mouth of a cave.
2.)Name:Mia Age:17 Race:Human

Mia was exiting school after a long day of boring classes. "I wish there was something fun to do around here." She said to her two friends Isabella, and Kim. "yeah well there are still a lot of things to do you just don't like any of them." Kim said against Mia. "Yeah whatever they just aren't exciting enough. I want adventure and excitement, something to scare me once in a while. I mean this is a boring existence with out that." she said clearly day dreaming. Kim rolled her eyes, "you keep dreaming princess." Isabella chuckled at their bickering. "Maybe someday you will find the excitement you are looking for." Isabella said before heading down her street home. "bye see you tomorrow." she waved and they waved back. "See ya Mia and don't forget to get your head out of the clouds." She laughed as she ran off. Mia stuck her tongue out at her and then continued home. When she reached her house things felt strange like something was out of place. She walked through the front door seeing a pair of shoes she didn't recognize.
3.) Name:Yukina Age:18 Race:Fairy

Yukina is almost silent, she lives hidden from the world behind the magic of a water fall. There have been times when she has been seen but only on a night of a full moon. She has been alone her whole life until one day when the lake where the waterfall is began to dry up. Slowly the water was fading as well as the magic that had protected her.
She sits behind the waterfall silent dreading when the end of the waterfall will come. The waterfall was becoming thinner by the day and soon she would have to leave this sacred place that had always been her home.This waterfall was a magical shield that could not be entered unless trained in magic, which is why she never left. She had been there her whole life, she never interacted with people either. Except one man, he came every full moon when she could be seen. It was the one time that the protective magic shield wouldn't work. He would always talk to her though she never said anything back.
4.)Name: Samira Age: 18 Race:Fire Fairy

On top of a hill in the city of Mioto there had always stood a tower. At the top was a bright flame that never went out. Not in the rain, snow, or wind; nothing could put it out. It was the emblem of the city and they were so proud to have it, but no one knew what it was. No one had ever traveled up that hill for it was dangerous and all that tried were seriously injured or had died. So the people just admire it from afar appreciating it's beauty and strength.
Samira was tired of sitting in that tower. She was trapped there by a magical barrier keeping her from opening any of the doors. She had wings but they were no use for flying, they couldn't hold her up. Her wings were only meant to be a light for others and not freedom for her. So she always sat at the window staring out upon the world longing for freedom. Everyday was a day for finding a way to escape the tower she was condemned to by the king years ago. "I did nothing wrong." She whispered to herself. "No matter I'll find a way out."She looked down the tall tower. "Is it possible to climb down?" She pondered this for a bit. "I think so if only I had rope for safety." She said looking around the room. "Well take the chance of freedom and falling to my death or stay here another thousand years?..... I'll take the chance." She said climbing out the window and hanging on to the inside of the window as she set her feet. She began her descent slowly, her wings light catching the eyes of the villagers eyes. Worry and fear consumed them as they scrambled. "The light is falling!" They said and pointed to it.
5.)Name:Lena Age:18 Race:Angel

Chained to the floor and pierced with a cross through the wings to keep me there. It was hopeless once they came back I would be dead. There is no chance to escape now the only thing that I wanted to do was sing. Even if no one would hear, it was the one last thing I wanted to do before dieing in this horrible tower. I didn't know how I had gotten to this place. All I remembered was waking up blindfolded and the pain of the cross piercing my wings. I can't remember anything before that.
6.)Name:Sarah Age:18 Race:Human

I tripped over something as I ran my practice on the track. As I fell I heard a pop in my ankle before crashing into the rubbery track. I didn't know what had happened as I looked up at the worried faces all around me, staring at me holding my ankle, which was surging with pain. I couldn't make out any of the worried faces surrounding me as I stared into them. I looked at all the blurring faces, I noticed there was one that was different, not worried, but smirking as if please or happy. Things became blurry and began to change to blackness.
The blackness began to clear and I found myself in the nurses office. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, but no one was in the room with me. Outside the room I could hear the nurse talking with someone very frustrated. "What do you mean the parents aren't coming?! They need to take her home." She raised her voice. "I'm sorry but they said they are busy and can't come get her." A man's meek voice stated. "Well then I''ll figure this out I guess." She said walking off. No surprise there. They have never had any time for me and wouldn't take any time off for me. I thought rolling over, cringing as my ankle throbbed with pain. Soon I could hear quick footsteps heading toward this room. I thought it was just the nurse so I didn't think much of it. Then I heard the nurse yell, "Who are you and what to you want?" The footsteps became a run and then became to sets of footsteps. Then the door slammed opened and was slammed shut again and locked. The nurse began banging on the door. "Let me in!" I didn't dare look over out of fear.
heart 7.)Name:Nena Age:19 Race:Human
With mother

19 years old

Darel age 25

[beginning for both versions] "It will be okay, you will be safe." A mother says to her crying baby as they hide. Outside of their hiding spot were sounds of fire and screaming, men where running through the streets around them, they could hear their feet. "Lets check in here." Some men say. The mother placed the baby under some blankets so she wouldn't be seen when she heard the men."I found one!" A man says with an excited grin as more come to see. "Lets take her back she is a nice catch." Another man says as they tied the struggling mother up. They carried her out of the hole she had been hiding in. "Stop struggling so much." The man yelled at the mother who was now screaming. Near by a child about 6 years old watched as the mother was dragged off. The child went into the hole to hide and found the baby under the blankets crying. Some how he got the baby to stop crying. "I'll make sure your safe" the child said holding the baby close.
[Version 1]Years later, Nena at 19, was living in the woods by herself. She didn't know who her parents were or if she had any. She only knew of one person, Darel, He had raised her and found her as a child. He was only 5 years older than her and he didn't have parents either. One day he left her all alone in the forest and never returned. That is how she ended up alone again. "I really hope Darel comes back some day" Nena says to herself as she takes vegetables out of her garden.
Darel had been away but not far from her. He had stayed close trying to fix the damage done years ago when Nena's mother was taken away. He was just outside the forest in and around all the villages finding information about what had happened years ago. He was also gaining others support and finding people wanting change as well.
[Verson 2]Now at 19 Nena is traveling into the forest to get to another village. She hadn't been in this forest before and was a little worried about being here but felt she would be okay. She walked through quietly nothing seemed wrong until she heard some men talking. "I can't believe we have another one we have gotten so lucky this month." Curious Nena heads toward the mens' voices quietly to listen in an see what they caught. When they were in sight see saw that they had a girl tied up and were dragging her off. She gasped when she saw them. They heard her gasp."There is something over there." One says.
8.)Name:Kim Age:16 Race:Human

I was walking down the road with my bag in hand and a hat on my head. I didn't want anyone to recognize me as I left the town I had lived in so long. I didn't want anyone to see me ever again, this was no longer my home. Coming home everyday to a drunken dad and a drug dealing mom was not something I wanted to deal with. So I am off to find a new place however hard that may be. After walking for part of the day I ended up in a shady neighborhood; living with a drug dealer I knew a lot about these places. I put my hair up under my hat so it would be hard to tell I was a girl. I saw a lot of deals go down around here and some of them weren't for drugs but more for prostitutes, whores and slaves. None of which I wanted to become. I could feel many eyes upon me questioning everything about me. I could feel how skeptical they were of me so I gradually sped up my pace.
9.)Name:Maron Age:18 Race: Human

I was studying in the library for a big test that was coming up. It was in my worst subject and I was really worried that I would fail. "I really hope this studying helps." I think to myself as I read through the books and write notes on them. I soon started to lay my head on the table as I read and things began making no sense. My eyes got heavy closing slowly and I was asleep. I hadn't had much sleep after finding out about the test. I was so worried, stayed up all night trying to study and was getting nothing from it. I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder the next morning. "Hello, you awake?" They asked as they shook me. I didn't recognize the voice and I didn't open my eyes right away. Then I remembered the test and I jolted awake to look at my watch. "Crap I overslept and now my test already started." I said not even noticing who had woke me as I scrambled to get to my test even though I knew I'd be late.
10.)Name:Mira Age:17 Race:vampire

I walk through the city with no real destination, wandering the streets. I never stopped anywhere for anything only walked. Once in a while it seemed as if I was following someone, and at times I was. The person changes time to time, day to day. I knew the dangers in the city and I was keeping the people safe that I followed. It was my job, not many know about this job, it's to find certain criminals that can only be found on the streets in this way. Beep Beep. My cell phone went off, that almost never happens. I open it to see an unfamiliar number.
11.)Name:Lela Age:16 Race:Neko

She was left on the street in a box as a child, moving from city to city with no place to go. Her parents she knew had died long ago, because as she watched them leave her in that box they were hit by a car. They had gotten what they deserved is how she thought of it. Now being much older she knew how to fend for herself even though she was still very weak from lack of food, having to scavenge for everything she needed. "I need to find some sort of home. I can't keep this up for ever." She said to herself as she sat against the side of a building. She closed her eyes from exhaustion.
heart 13.)Name: Lukasona Age: 18 Race: human

I looked out from my building in the inner court as the rain poured down. I was worried about the meeting that was going on in the main building, it was about entering a war. Right now we would not be able to afford a war, we haven't had a good crop season and there is a sickness going through the village. We have lost so many to this sickness and there is nothing that we can do about it. I have no say in anything even being the princess here. I'm barely able to leave the build now because there is someone from another kingdom out to capture me. That is why they are discussing the possibilities of war, and I think it's rather stupid. I hear the door open behind me, frightening me. It was only my father's adviser checking up on me; for a second I thought it was someone else other than him. It was strange to see him here, usually he is with my father in all the meetings. "Why are you here shouldn't you be with father at the meeting?" I asked him as I turned to look back out to the rain.
heart 14.) Name: Krystal Age: 18 Race: Human

"I hate high school i find it to be a drag, it's all too easy for me. I never waste my time going to the classes I don't find to be important and I don't like to be bothered. I don't have any friends in this school because they are pathetic not for any other reason. I live alone in an apartment and, where, is none of your business. I like guns and have a collection. My hobby is shooting them at random things and people I don't like. No I never bring them to school, no one is worth my time here. Oh and I have an adorable kitty called Shredder." I said to the counselors at my school when they called me in about a few concerns they had about me, well maybe more than a few. They stared at me dumbstruck as if I had told them I was going to kill them. I wouldn't do such a thing that's illegal. They couldn't find anything to say to me except, "Um well thank you very much for clearing that up you can go now." "Cool." I said as I walked out the door. I could feel there fear as I walked out the door wondering if I was actually being serious. I smiled walking out of the school happy to have scared them, it was always fun to do that. Though I know they didn't believe any of it. I walked down the city streets to my apartment where my kitty was waiting, at least Shredder was in the cat family. He was more like a bobcat, but they didn't need to know that. I had my gun with me just as I always did knowing that I live in a bad part of the city.
(Pm me with one of these or a new idea to rp. I'm always looking for a rp.)
RPCs are in my Journal, PM me to RP
Lukasona · Sun Mar 30, 2008 @ 03:09am · 2 Comments |