Age: 27
Race: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Engaged to Blackest Sin's drummerAkiro Omode
Bio: She is one of the biggest fans of Blackest Sin that you could come across, been to every concert in her city and surrounding area, and her room is her own personal tribute to them. She finds their lyrics fitting her life, and finds their music her own personal retreat from the hell she calls life.
When she was 15, her mother died of the leukaemia that she had been battling for years, causing her remaining family, or, at least, Aysha, great relief and great sorrow. It was at this time she turned to Sin, for a few minutes after her mother's death, while the tearful Aysha sat next to her bed, hand over hers, Sin's newest song, at the time, debuted on the radio: Anabella's Grave. She fell in love with the song, and the voices that sang it, seeking out their CD's, immediately becoming hooked on the lyrics as her life took a twist for the worst. Because of her mother's death, her father went into a state of depression, doing anything to ease it, even marrying another woman in an attempt to replace his late wife. Eventually, alcohol was the only way he could flee his pain, but it made him disloyal, uncaring, and abusive. On the few occasions he came home, he would immediately seek out his daughter, blaming her for what happened to her mother, and beat her. This lasted only the first couple tries, because every time she heard he'd be home, she'd lock herself into her room, which had, over the course of three years, become her sanctuary and her personal tribute to Blackest Sin. She'd lose herself in the music until her father left her alone, only leaving her room to get food, or to use the washroom.
At the latest concert, after the show, Aysha had followed the tour bus to their hotel, desperate to at least say hello, at most, explain why she was such a faithful fan of theirs. After a rather comical turn of events, regarding porn, wine and a particularly angry phone conversation, Aysha wound up staying with the group, much to her shock. It was a dream come true for her, even though they weren't exactly as she imagined. Even more surprising was when she fell in love with Akiro, the drummer. Eventually, he returned her feelings, and she is now his fiancee, and the mother of his child.

Her daughter, Cristine:
