People get bored.
Like me.
(Scroll down for random quiz results)
-I like burning hot showers. If they don't hurt in the beginning, they don't count.
-I hate the feeling of paper after I get my hands wet.
-After showers, i /have/ to put on lotion.
- Ihave a weird habit of washing my hands before and after i use the bathroom. Iunno.
-I have soft skin, so people say.
-I find it hard to keep track of emails/pms.
-I hardly respond to either anymore. Find me on msn.
-My voice annoys me.
-I hate painting.
-I love pencils.
-I love to sing, no matter how bad you think I am.
-I only sing alone, or with people i'm extremely comfortable with.
-I love the song Indiana, I hate the state.
-I can't read around people.
-Books make me cry, no matter what. D:
-I'm generally pretty fun. Although i can get lost in myself sometimes and i may bore you with that. xD
-I want to learn how to play the PIANO/guitar. o.o ((Changed m'course, lmao.))
-I'm taking piano this upcoming school year. :3
-I hate it when people try to change my mind.
-I hate myspace facebook.
-I can pretty much only stand scary movies now without falling asleep.
-V for Vendetta is the most epic movie ever.
-I love Ireland.
-I want to move there.
-Piano music gives me chills.
-So does anything produced from a violin.
-I love/hate the number 17.
-I can never pick favorite music. DX
-I can never get those stupid hearts (<3) right the first time.
-I dont know if you're supposed to put a space between the & and the next word or not.
-Maybe it's just your preference?
-If so, i prefer to leave the space out.
-I luff art and photography. :3
-Looking at the world in the eyes of a photographer, is in fact one of the most amazing and calming things that i've ever done.
-I have many, many obsessions, that always change. ;-;
-I tend to miss some of them...
-I love KEVIN. (xD)
-Kevin got to be a bit.. suckish. Levi is better. And so is Swifty.
-Skirts suck. Dresses look weird, unless they're ball gowns.
They never look right unless they're expensive...
-I don't have that much money! DX
-I like them nowww~
-I once wrote a story that was 125+ pages on the internet, typed, and if i went back and edited it, added to it, etc., it would be over three hundred. =/
-I miss him... I love you PJ. =( -sniff-
-I just plain old jab/poke people.
-It's... amusing.
-Obviously, i get bored easy.
THE ******** ELSE I CALL HER... 8D
-I am retarded. XD
-Although people tell me i don't need them...
-So what?! I do need them!
-@_@ I sleep too much.
-I honestly don't sleep enough anymore.
-I am quite literate, most of the time...
-Except for with certain people.
-I live for stupid-awesome moments like this:
My mom just nearly convinced me that my tree was from the moon... D<
How'd she do that?
I showed her the picture that i put in m'journal of it and she's all "oh, the beach nut's surface is very similar to that of the moon's... this certain type of beach nut originated on the moon, before the earth was ever created, and yes, that means people weren't around then, except for on the moon... blahblahblah... look it up, it's in the dictionary."
And i'm like ".... really? o.o"
And she's like ">=O... NO!"
And then she left and told meh i had tuh get off the computah... DX
whats chill yo?
me too
What do we doooo?!?!?? D=
but dude.
i just got like HYPER
i like to move it move it!
Now that was awesome.
you have gratuitous amounts of mengergy
Oh, just shut up and get a FLEWFLARGLE.
Sorry, that just kinda...
Popped up there.
that like defies all laws of physics
its like woah
Is jackson's brain.
dude, you lost me
i have no idea of what you're talking about
So it is catching on.
omg wow
just wow...
-My NEWNEWNEW music obsession would be... ON MY PROFILE. xD
-Rubber bands/hair clips entertain me.
-For some reason, when i get mad, my wrists start to itch.
-I also like to chew on random objects.
-I'm never NOT chewing on something.
-Usually it's my lips or my cheeks.
-My mp3 player is my baby~
-I also find it very difficult to continue stories a lot.
-I hate school now.
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
You Are 88% Good

You are not only a good person... you are a model citizen and a natural leader.
Whether you know it or not, your high moral standards and good judgment is truly rare.
You don't take ethical short cuts in life. You are able to do what's right - even when it's very difficult.
And while it may seem like no one else is as on track as you are, take heart in knowing that you set a good example for others.
You are also probably: Very sensitive and in tune with the world.
Right now you are on track to being: A saint
To be a better person: Gently mentor someone who is taking the wrong path in life

You are not only a good person... you are a model citizen and a natural leader.
Whether you know it or not, your high moral standards and good judgment is truly rare.
You don't take ethical short cuts in life. You are able to do what's right - even when it's very difficult.
And while it may seem like no one else is as on track as you are, take heart in knowing that you set a good example for others.
You are also probably: Very sensitive and in tune with the world.
Right now you are on track to being: A saint
To be a better person: Gently mentor someone who is taking the wrong path in life
Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom
What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart
You Are a Black and White Cookie

You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions.
When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked!

You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions.
When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked!
You Are 35% Jealous

You're occasionally jealous, but you wouldn't be human if you weren't
You keep your jealousy under control. You accept it, deal with it, and move on.
In fact, most people would be surprised to know that there's a jealous bone in your body.
So congratulate yourself for keeping your emotional impulses under control!

You're occasionally jealous, but you wouldn't be human if you weren't
You keep your jealousy under control. You accept it, deal with it, and move on.
In fact, most people would be surprised to know that there's a jealous bone in your body.
So congratulate yourself for keeping your emotional impulses under control!
You Are An INFP

The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.
You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.
At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.
How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak
Your Stress Level is: 70%

You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only way you'll get through the bad times.

You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only way you'll get through the bad times.
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.
It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.
At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.
It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.
At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.
You Are 33% Misanthropic

You're a little misanthropic - but who isn't? Your reactions to other people are pretty normal.
You enjoy being friendly with people you encounter, but if you're having a rough day, watch out!

You're a little misanthropic - but who isn't? Your reactions to other people are pretty normal.
You enjoy being friendly with people you encounter, but if you're having a rough day, watch out!
You are "Face with Glasses"

Your Spelling is Perfect

You got 10/10 correct.
Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail.
Your 1950s Name is:

Veronica Beverly
You Are a Night Person

For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early.
In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set.
So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault.
You just weren't meant to do anything during the day!
Your Surfing Habits are 70% Female, 30% Male

If we had to guess, we would guess you are a woman.
You use the internet to keep up with friends and family.
You are likely to get online to communicate and share information.
You are also to research things that directly effect your life, like health and travel.
Your Career Type: Social

You are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy.
Your talents lie in teaching, nursing, giving information, and solving social problems.
You would make an excellent:
Counselor - Dental Hygienist - Librarian
Nurse - Parole Officer - Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist - Social Worker - Teacher
The worst career options for your are realistic careers, like truck driver or farmer.
You Are the Mother

You have an abundance of love for humanity. You care about all the people of the world.
You love helping others more than anything else. You love to be needed.
At your best, you unconditionally love people. You are very nurturing.
You are a wise and gentle teacher. You are happy to guide anyone who needs your advice or explanations.
At your worst, you are controlling and overbearing.
You smother people with affection and gifts. And with this attention you give, you are expecting something in return.
And i hate being controlling. ;-;
You've Changed 80% in 10 Years

Compared to who you were ten years ago, you've changed a great deal.
In fact, you're probably in a completely different phase of your life - and very happy about it!
You and Your Mom Are Completely Different

At times, it seems like you and your mom aren't even related.
You often wonder how two people from the same family can be so different.
You and your mom see the world so differently. You hardly ever agree.
As the saying goes... you can pick your friends, but not your relatives.
You Are 76% Democrat

You have a good deal of donkey running through your blood, and you're proud to be liberal.
You don't fit every Democrat stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Democrat party.
What Your Nose Says About You

You are detail oriented and attentive. You are a perfectionist.
You are impulsive and tend to follow your heart.
You are straightforward and honest. You sometimes offend people without realizing it.
You are helpful and giving. You like cooperating, and you're always willing to lend a hand.
You are a realist. You aren't much of an optimist or a pessimist.
You Should Call Your Boobs

The Iliad & the Odyssey
Your Love Quote

Love is made by two people, in different kinds of solitude. It can be in a crowd, but in an oblivious crowd.
Your Heart is Feeling Passionate

Your heart is brimming with passion, intensity, and extreme lust.
You definitely have desire for one particular person, and it seems like nothing can squelch your craving.
You are ready to walk across fire for the one you love.
Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Distrust and aggression . You're determined to get what you want.
Your current outlook on love: Love equals obsession. Love equals mania. Love equals thirst.
Your love life will improve if you: Follow your passion far, but not so far as to ruin your life.
Watch out for: False feelings. Your emotions are intense, but they could easily mislead you.
You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.
Your Native American Name Is...

Talutha Chepi
Your name means: Blood Red Fairy
Your DJ Name Is:

DJ Robotic Chinchilla
Your Rockstar Name Is...

Velvet Revolver
Your Adult Film Star Name Is...

Albino Kitty
Your French Name is:

Fleur Charon
Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:

TaĆs Cabral
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